{Chapter 3- USJ Attack part 1}

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A couple of days go by and dad told you that today we are going to USJ for some rescue training with the pro hero thirteen. So once I got to UA I sat in my seat and waiting for dadzawa to come in and settle these kids down.

"Sit down." Dad says with his sleeping bag.

"We're going to training, get your hero suits on and meet me at the bus." Aizawa says and walks out and everyone grabs there hero cases and goes to the locker room. All the girls where laughing and getting dressed in there hero suits, you were getting dressed in yours when Mina comes towards you.

"Hey (L/n), we were wondering what did you think of UA so far!" She asks with a big smile and you give a little smile, you see. All of your classmates are trying to break your emotionless wall and it's sorta working, it felt right with this group of people. Like you could be yourself.

"It's...it's different." You say remembering all the memories you had here before becoming a student, to sports festivals. Students, all the teachers. It felt right learning in a place where you grew up so much.

"What do you mean different?" Momo asks and you finish buttoning your cloak up.

"Complicated." You say and you turn around to show your suit to them and they all smile.

  "I love your suit (L/n)

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"I love your suit (L/n). Ribbit." Tsu says

"Thank you tsu." You say and go outside with the other girls and seeing Iida in a hero suit that looks like the pro hero ingenium, tensei Iida. I meet him when I first came to UA, he was Dads third year student. His class loved me, I wonder what he's doing now.

  "Iida." You say and Iida looks at you and you motion him over.

  "Your Tensei Iidas little brother arent you." You say and he looks at you like you have three heads.

  "How did you know my brother name!?" He yells while doing his arm motion and you then realize what you said trying to find a way out of this hole.

  "Your last name, and he has an engine quirk and his costumes. It's a dead give away." You say and he nods.

  "Well (L/n). You would be correct, but please go on the bus." He says motioning you towards the bus and you get on seeing no empty seats except with your dad, mineta and Todoroki. You can't sit with your dad when there is two open seats so that would cause suspicion, you then walk towards where Todoroki and mineta are sitting and mineta has a look in his eyes and motions you towards him and see that Todoroki grabbed your shoulder causing you to look at him.

  "I wouldn't sit with him, here." He says and moves over to the window seat and you sit down next to him. As everyone is talking you try to drown out the conversation the demonic side of you trying to take control but with your training you know how to over power it.

"Oh come on....I wanna burn. Let me burn." Demon side says and you just ignore it.

"Well, if you're talking about flashy and strong, it's gotta be Todoroki and Bakugou." Someone says

"If we're talking about powerful quirks I would say Todoroki, bakugo and (L/n) have very powerful quirks." Tsu says and bakugo starts throwing a tantrum.

"We're here." Dadzawa says and we all get up and go outside to see the pro hero thirteen standing there. I then see Uraraka fangirling over thirteen and you listen to thirteens speech until the lights start shattering and you put your guard up and look in the middle and see a portal and a lot of villains come through it and a huge bird thing. You then see dad put his goggles on and you widen your eyes knowing what's gonna happen.

  "Thirteen. Protect the kids!" Aizawa says.

  "YOU CANT GO IN THERE ALONE LET ME HELP YOU!" You yell at your dad.

  "I'll be fine (y/n). I promise." He says and gives a small smile and goes in the fight and you were about to run to him to help but someone grabbed your wrist to stop you.

  "(Y/n), he'll be fine. We need to go." Todoroki says and you look at your dad and then at Todoroki.

  "Okay.." You say and run to the entrance only to be stopped by the vortex villain.

  "Even though your students, you are excellent targets!" Vortex guy says and you stop in your tracks to look at him and you know he sees you and if he had a mouth you know he would be smirking. You then see bakugo and Kirishima jump up and trying to punch the guy but he wraps us in his vortex. You then start falling but you shadow travel to the ground and see Todoroki using his ice to catch his fall.

  "Looks like were at the landslide zone." You say and look around to see if you can see any villains coming.

  "We need to go to d..Aizawa." You say and Todoroki nods and we start running but then villains appear. You stop in your tracks and see them go towards you and Todoroki, but Todoroki grabs you and puts you behind him and freezes the villains to the ground.

  "We need to go." Todoroki says and grabs your hand and starts running towards the middle and you then see something very gruesome. You saw your dad all bloody being held down by his face by the bird creature and his elbow shattered only showing his muscle. You see everything go very black, all you heard was your demonic side laughing and you get extremely angry and start walking towards it. You don't hear Todoroki yelling your name or your dad yelling for you to get back, you then open your eyes and everyone sees your eyes are pitch black. No one said anything until someone spoke.

"Oh no." Aizawa says.



I really hope you liked this chapter and I hope you will also like the future chapters. Anyway i would appreciate it if you could vote on the chapter. I love you guys and I will see you all guys later! Bye bye!


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