{Chapter 54}

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Hannah here and yes im back with another chapter! I hope to see yall at the end card and stay swaggy 😎

-Hannah ♡

Life in the dorms were very hectic to say the least, especially when you live with students who like to cause trouble or just overrall just fun. Our class rep is having a run for his money especially with the bakusquad, but now that we are all getting used to some peoples rountines. I especially have gotten used to a certain dual colored hair rountine.

Every night at 9 o'clock he sits at his desk or mine and writes a letter to his mother telling her all about his day in full detail. He also loves to go on morning jogs and trys to be quiet if we are sleeping in the same bed so i wont wake up but i always wake up when I feel his lips on my forhead.

Just like this morning I get woken up just from his lips but I open my eyes and notice Shoto was just looking at me with love in his eyes, all dressed in his workout clothes.

"Im sorry my love, I woke you up didnt I." He mumbles in a soft voice so I wont fully wake up.

"I always wake up from you." I say in a tired tone making him blush alittle.

"Well i need to go, before Midoriya starts worrying. Go back to sleep." He mumbles out as i slowly close my eyes again not knowing that today I will be meeting someone very special.


"Good morning Y/n!" My bubbly friend says as I trudge into the kitchen as I'm trying to fully wake up.

"Morning." I yawn out as I head over to the coffee pot.

"Doing anything special this weekend?" Ochaco asks as I'm stirring my sugar in.

"My dad said I have to meet someone today so, I guess not. He did say that'll be an all day thing so my schedule is booked." I say while sipping my coffee.

"Oh, well I hope you have fun." She says and I just nod in agreement knowing it might not be fun at all depending on who I am meeting.

"Were back!" Midoriya yells making me look up and Ochaco has the biggest smile as he walks in the kitchen with Shoto following him. I then grab two cold waters and slide them across the island and Midoriya nods a thank you.

"I have to go to the hospital, did you want to come Shoto to visit your mother?" I ask and he nods.

"I was going to visit her anyways but I was gonna go later."

"That's okay, I'll just go by myself. Tell your mother I said hello." I say and kiss his cheek and he smiles.

"Will do my love." He says as I'm walking back to my dorm to get ready. Not knowing that I will find out two massive secrets at the hospital.


"Hello Miss. Aizawa, your Father is in the waiting room on the 5th floor." The receptionist says as she hands me back my ID.

"Thank you." I then start heading up the elevator as I start thinking.

What does he want to show me?

Why did he cancel training?

Will he take me to get food after this?

All the important questions are being asked, until I finally reached the fifth floor. Here goes nothing I guess.

I step out of the elevator to meet with two familiar eyes, Uncle Yamada and Dad.

"Whats going on?" I ask and Uncle Yamada gives me a huge hug and I'm just so confused.

"Can someone please explain to me on what is going on?" I ask and my dad steps up.

"We have not been honest to you for the past year." He says and I just raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean-"

"What we mean is. You might want to sir down for this." Dad says and he pulls me over to sit down.

"What he means is. Our love life, do you remember your father and Ms. Joke?"

"Uh yeah- did you and Ms. Joke break up?" I look at my dad is confusion and he just shakes his head.

"Me and Emi were never dating." He says and I just stare at him in confusion

"What I mean to say is that. I- We, lied to you." He starts and I look at Uncle Yamada for some information but he I just looking down at the floor.

"Me and Hizashi are dating. We have been for about-"

"11 months" Uncle yamada says and I just look back and front from them to see if this is all some kind of prank.

"But why did you say that you and Emi were dating when apparently, you never were!" I start to get louder and stand up.

"Cause we didn't know how you would respond to it all. We were only gonna keep it a secret for about a month but then alot of stuff happened and we had to put you first before ourselves sweetheart." Dad says and I just look at the hospital room with two guards infront of it.

"Then why did you bring me here." I ask and they look at eachother and Dad sighs.

"The big mission that I told you that you couldn't join. The reason for the mission is in that room as we speak." Dad says

"But before you go in, you must understand. She is very shy, she needs someone that understands her. Sorta like a big sister." Uncle yamada says and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Her name is Eri. She needs you." Dad says and I just nod and I walk to the door not knowing that shoto won't be there when I get home.


Part 1

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