{Chapter 6}

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  After lunch, school went by very slow. Until the final bell rang indicating that it's time to go home, you then pack up your stuff and thankfully you packed your workout clothes cause you were gonna train with uncle Yamada after school, but once you told him that you were gonna train with Todoroki he was okay with it and told me to be home before 9. You then walk out the school seeing that Todoroki already left, you then put his address in your phone and started walking towards his house in Musutafu Japan, once you got there you instantly stop walking because of how big it is. It's a traditional Japanese house with a gate in the front to not let other people in. You then see a button and press it.

  "State your business." A voice says very rudely.

  "Training with Todoroki." You say

  "Come through." The voice says and you walk through the gate seeing walk ways and gardens. You then notice a girl with white hair and red streaks standing there happily. You walk towards her and she smiles.

  "Hi I'm Fuyumi Todoroki. You must be (L/n), shoto told me you were coming." She says very happily and you nod.

  "Yup, you have a very lovely house." You say as she leads you inside and you take off your shoes and put them on the shoe rack.

  "Thank you. Would you like some water so you don't get dehydrated?" She asks and you nod. She then hands you a filled up water bottle and shows you the bathroom so you can get changed.

  "Thank you again Fuyumi." You say and she smiles.

  "Your welcome (L/n). I hope I can see you more often." She says.

  "Fuyumi." You say and she turns around.

  "Yes?" She asks

  "You can call me (y/n)." You say and she smiles more and thanks you and walks away so you can get changed. Your workout clothes consists of black high waisted leggings with a black sports bra and (f/c) running shoes, You then put your (h/c) in a ponytail. You then walk out to see Todoroki talking to Fuyumi in the kitchen.

  "You ready?" You ask and Todoroki turns around and sees you and instantly blushes.

  "Umm uh. Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go." He says quickly and leads you towards the training grounds with two mats.

  "Why is there two meditating mats?" You ask

  "Well I'm gonna try it with you. See if it helps me stay focus." Todoroki says and you nod and sit down and start meditating, you explain what you have to do and to clean out your mind. You then push down your negative thoughts and memories and stay on the positive side for about 15 minutes until your ready. You then open your eyes and see Todoroki looking at you and you blush and he realizes and turns away.

  "Oh um. Sorry (L/n)." He says while turning red.

  "It's okay. We should start training." You say and he nods and leads you to the training grounds, seeing Fuyumi, a guy with all white hair and endeavor.. the number two pro hero.

  "Remember, only your fire." Todoroki says and you nod and wave at Fuyumi and she smiles and waves back.

  You both get into fighting stance and Todoroki says go and he freezes the ground thinking that will trap you, but you focused your fire at your feet melting away the ice and you run towards him and he blocks all of your fire attacks. This is getting no where with you, you start getting frustrated and shadow traveled behind him and then kicking him in the back of his knees making him fall down and you put your foot on his back and summoned fire in your hand.

  "I win." You say and Todoroki nods and you get off of him and help him up.

  "Again?" You ask and he nods and we get back in fighting stance, we fought until it was close to 5 o'clock and we both get very tired and stop for a water break. Fuyumi and the other guy left But endeavor stayed. You then notice him walking towards you.

  "So your (Y/n) (L/n)." He says and you nod.

  "What is your quirk exactly." He asked and you look at Todoroki and he steps in.

  "Who cares about what her quirk is. What matters is that we're training." Todoroki says

  "What matters is that she is strong, she beat you too many times shoto. Your suppose to surpass all might! And she's holding you back!" He yells and you get angry and Todoroki notices and grabs your hand and for some strange reason it calms you down instantly.

  "Look endeavor. I have multiple quirks and have to train them daily. I have a very powerful and loving father, who helped me be what I am today. A hero in training." You say and he looks at you and you see him looking at me closely and realizes something and smirks, you know what's gonna happen and no matter what, Todoroki is gonna find out either from you or endeavor.

  "Come one Todoroki, I need to talk to you." You say and he nods and leads you to his room.

  "I'm sorry for him." Todoroki says and you stop him.

"Look, your father knows something about me. And he will tell you later all about it, but I want you to hear it from me." You say while looking down at the floor and he gets very confused.

"Why does my father know about your past?" He asks.

"All is UA and hero's know. To protect me." You say and he leads you towards the bed so we can sit.

"Are you sure you want me to know (L/n)?" He asks and you nod.

"It's either me tell you or your dads side of the story." You say and he nods.

"Okay." He says and you take a deep breath in.



I really hope you liked this chapter! Please be sure to punch that vote button in the face and I love you guys and I will see y'all later! Bye bye!


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