{Chapter 8- UA Sports Festival part 1}

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  For two weeks you trained very hard with shoto, to fire, shadow travel, Cerberus, speed and somewhat of your hellhound form. While you and shoto were training, you were also talking. Talking about his past and how he got his scar, you became very close and he is truly special to you, you hoped nothing would happen to him. But today was the day of the Sports festival were you had to focus, you were also very excited because this time your in it instead of watching it with dad and uncle Yamada. You finally reach the classroom and see shoto sitting down and his eyes closed.

  "Hey shoto." You say and he opens his eyes.

  "Morning (y/n)." He says and you look around seeing everyone is very pumped up, you then sit at your desk and was about to meditate until Kaminari came up.

  "Hey (L/n)." He says while blushing and seeing everyone watching. You get very confused.

  "Hi Kaminari. What do you need?" You ask and he gets redder.

  "I wanted to ask, after the sports festival. Did you want to go on a date with me?" He asks very nervously and you don't notice the air got very cold and everyone starts shivering.

  "Oh um. I." You start stuttering and you get very uncomfortable.

  "We could go to the ice cream parlor or a cafe." He says and he doesn't notice how you uncomfortable you are.

  "Kaminari please take your seat." Aizawa says and you sigh in relief and you see the anger in his eyes, probably cause he asked his daughter on a date.

  "Put your uniforms on and head to the stadium." Aizawa says and you all nod and I feel a hand on my shoulder seeing it's shoto and I give him a small smile and he gives one back, you both walked together and talked. Everyone noticed you and Todoroki's friendship and all the girls thought it was cute and some of the guys thought it was good thing for the two most reserved people becoming friends so we could break our shells. You then go in the girls locker room and get changed with a black sports bra and putting on your unzipped gym shirt and putting on your pants and running shoes then putting your hair in a ponytail. You then walk out towards the stadium and you see mineta looking at with a preverted glance and you look down seeing you forgot to zip up the shirt. You zip it up and walk away faster.

Once you get to class 1A area you sat down at a table. That's when you heard his voice.

"Midoriya. Looking at things objectively, I'm stronger than you." Shoto says and look at him confused.

"Where is this coming from Todoroki?" Midoriya asks.

  "I'm not hear to play games midoriya. I'm here to win." He says and is about to walk away until midoriya speaks up.

  "Todoroki. I know you are stronger than me. I know I shouldn't speak so negatively but all of the other courses. I want to be the greatest hero. And I can't afford to fall behind. So I will give it everything I got to win!" Midoriya yells and everyone stays silent until the announcer aka mic summons us to the field. You then walk out onto the field and hearing so many people cheering. You look up at the announcer box and wave towards dad and uncle Yamada, you then look around and see all of the other courses come out as well. You then walk towards to the middle of the field, you weren't able to meditate so you have to push down on demonic side as best as you can. Once everyone reaches the center to see midnight is gonna be the ref. You then look up and see that bakugo is gonna be giving the speech. Fuck.

  "I pledge. That I'll be number one." He says nonchalantly, you face palmed. Great they already hate us, make the other courses hate us more. Midnight then announces that the first game will be.

  "Obstacle course race!" She yells and explains the rules and boundaries, She then points to the arch way on where we are starting. We all start heading there, feeling very cramped. Once uncle Yamada yells go. Everyone starts pushing eachother, that's when you notice the floor about to be covered in ice. So you active your fire but not to harm people and then you used you speed and agility to get to the wall and then used enough speed to run on the wall past everybody else. You then used your fire to propel yourself forward until you hear explosions and notice bakugo and a lot of people escape shotos ice, you finally catch up to shoto and he notices and smirks and you give a small smile back but he goes faster and then the floor started to rumble and massive robots come up until someone said that we're zero pointers on the entrance exam. You then turn into your hellhound form

  You then see people feel the air get extremely cold and you walk up to the robots and people notice you and scream and jump away and when you were about to crushed by a zero pointer, you teleported away from the zero pointers and you see shoto running away to the next obstacle. You then transform back to a human and kept running and then see that it's the right rope trench. You then used your fire again and propelled yourself across the trench and see your at mines, you notice bakugo and shoto are fighting for first place you start running on the mines that was already went off until you heard a explosion and you looked up to see a metal plate flying through the sky that had Midoriya ontop of it and past the times and he started running and that's what you start doing as well. Once you get to the stadium you see that you got Fourth place. You look around see Todoroki breathing heavily and you walk towards him.

  "Good job on second place shoto. You did great." You say giving him a small smile and nods. You were about to say something again but you were interrupted by midnight yelling for the next challenge to begin.



  Hello my lovelies!

  I hope you liked the first chapter about the sports festival! Anyway I hope you guys punched that vote button! I love you guys and I will see y'all later! Bye bye!


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