{Chapter 24}

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  We reach the battle areas and we all go to the monitor room and I see that Recovery girl is already there and everyone goes to their partners except for Midoriya cause bakugo won't talk to him. I go to the front and I see that Midoriya is mumbling to himself.

  "Oh (y/n)!" Midoriya finally notices me after he was done with his mumbling.

  "Hi Midoriya." I say and I try to think of what I can do.

  "Do you think I can do it?" Midoriya asks and I look at him.

  "Defeat all might? Who knows, but it will be challenging even with the handicap on him. But I know you will try your best." I say and he nods.

  "Do you think I can do it. Defeat Rin?" I ask him.

  "Who knows, you do have a lot of quirks like the demonic possession. You can use that against him." Midoriya says but I know that won't work. He's a demon as well, it will have no effect on him at all.

  "I have no idea, I know that I will have to use my other form." I say and he nods and we hear a loud ring and I see that Tsu and Tokoyami is up and fighting against Ectoplasm. I'm watching their fight until I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I look and I see it's shoto.

  "I'm heading out, I wanted to wish you good luck. You will do great." Shoto says and I smile alittle and I nod.

  "Good luck shoto. I'll be cheering you on." I say and he gives a small smile and kisses my cheek and leaves to go to his battle area.

~Timeskip to your fight cause it's gonna be epic!!!!!!!~

After shotos and momos fight against dad and winning. I was called to a bus and I sit in the way back and I see Rin come on as well and he sits in the front. I look out the window and see we head to Ground Omega and they drop me off infront of the entrance and I get off and wait for the signal for me to go in.

  'You can do this...all you have to do is defeat Rin the son of satan. I'm fucked...'

I then hear the buzzer and I run in, I climb up a massive tree and look around for blue flames or smoke cause this fight is being watched so he definitely already drew his sword. I look towards the massive rock and I see smoke and I smirk to myself and I jump from tree very fast to reach the rock, i then look down and see that Rin is looking around for me and he notices me and he smirks and sends some fire towards the tree I'm on and I jump down and roll on the ground and then get up and he sends a blast of his fire towards me and I dodge it in time and I see him smirking and he points his sword at me.

  "Why aren't you fighting back missyyyy." Rin taunts and I squint my eyes at him and I summon my fire in my right fist and I run towards Rin and punch him in the face making him step back from the contact and burn as well.

  "Now now (L/n). You know we don't do hand to hand combat." Rin says and sends a wave of hellfire towards me making me fall back.

  "Come on (Y/n). Giving up so soon?" Rin asks and walks towards me while I get up slowly.

  "There she is!" Rin says and I run towards him and I focus my fire to my left foot and kick his hand making his sword go flying and a few yards away. He then looks at me like I'm crazy and I smirk.

  "Here I am Rin." I say calmly and I make a another fist and I try to punch him in the fast but he blocks it but that leaves me an opening for me to kick him in the stomach sending him into a tree. He then looks up and his blue flames surround the area and he looks up and he has a crazed look in his eyes, he then smirks showing his very sharp fangs.

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