{Chapter 12- UA Sports Festival part 5}

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  Me and Iida walked up to the viewing area and they all ran to Iida and I then make my way away from them. I then sit down away from the crowd but notice that shoto sat down next to me.

  "Nice surprise attack with the smoke. Your dad taught you?" Shoto asks and I nod.

  "We're gonna be fighting eachother next round." I say and he nods.

  "Loser has to buy the winner anything they want?" I ask and look at him.

  "I have something else in mind if I win. But if I lose, I'll buy you anything you want." He says and I raise an eyebrow.

  "Deal!" I say and we both shake hands to seal the deal. Then watching the fight between Ashido and Tokoyami.

"(L/n)." Someone says and I turn around.

"What it is bakugo." You say and stand up to face him.

"Don't think, if we fight. I want you to use that dog, so we can finish what we started in grade school." He says looking very angry.

"Cerberus." Shoto says behind me.

"What the fuck did you say icy hot!" Bakugo yells.

"The creature your referring to, his name is Cerberus." Shoto says and I smile cause shoto is the only one who uses his actual name.

"That Cerberus thing is what I'm gonna fight and kill." Bakugo says angrily and I laugh and everyone looks at me like I have a death wish.

"You can try to kill Cerberus, but you won't make a dent." I say while laughing some more.

"I will kill that thing!" Bakugo yells making sparks come out of his hands.

"Cerberus is immortal dumbass. You can't kill him! Are you that fucking stupid!" I yell

"HOW IS THAT THING IMMORTAL!?" Bakugo yells more.


"THAT SHIT IS BULLSHIT!" Bakugo yells and I get even more angry and I look at him and push him away so I can leave without saying a word to anyone. I then go to a empty room and yell out my anger trying to keep my demonic side away.

It was a good hour until my fight came up, I walk out and wait for my name to be called.


"AND WE HAVE OUR FIRE QUIRK USER (Y/n) (L/n)!" Mic yells and I walk out and everyone is yelling and I look up at shoto and smirk.

"I want a clean fight you too. NOW GO!" Midnight yells and shoto sends a ice spike towards me but I use my fire making it melt instantly. He starts sending only ice attacks and I start getting pissed.

"You aren't using your fire!" I yell and he doesn't answer me and keeps sending ice after ice making me even more pissed.

"DO YOU SEE ME AS A FUCKING JOKE!" I yell some more but he still doesn't answer.

"IF YOU WANT A REAL FIGHT THEN USE YOUR FUCKING FIRE TODOROKI!" I yell and he stops when he hears me use his last name.

"SHOW ME ALL YOU GOT TODOROKI AND ILL GIVE YOU A TRUE FIGHT!" I yell and clenches his fist making a small fire and I give a smirk and sends a wave of fire towards me and I raise my hand and smirk.

  "Cerberus" I say and he appears infront of shoto and everyone gasps and widens there eyes.

  "Don't kill, make him tired." I say but a wave of ice traps Cerberus in ice but I keep my focus on him.

  "Melt." I say and Cerberus melts all the ice but I don't notice shoto send ice towards me and I don't realize until I get hit with a wave of ice and I lose focus and Cerberus disappears making me look at him. He then sends a huge fire and ice attack making me widen my eyes and sends me out of bounds hitting my head onto the concrete wall very hard making me drop unconscious instantly not hearing my name being called.


  I wake up to see a bright light shining in my face and I instantly close my eyes but not realizing the two people that I care about saw me wake up.

  "Oh thank god your awake!" Uncle Yamada yells and i instantly cover my ears from the yelling.

  "Shut up Hizashi." Dad says and he nods and I sit up.

  "Why aren't you guys announcing the next fight?" You ask.

  "We're taking a break, because the person who is fighting didn't want to fight until he saw you." Dad says and I raise an eyebrow.

  "But thank god your okay, if you weren't I don't what I would do with you. I love you too much and I would've killed Todoroki if he killed you." Dad says and you give him a hug.

"Dad he wouldn't have killed me." I say while rolling my eyes.

  "And if he did?" Uncle Yamada asks.

  "I would never forgive myself." Someone says and we all look at the doorway and we see it's shoto.

  "Hey..." I say and wave shyly and he blushes alittle and a looks away and uncle Yamada and dad look at eachother and uncle Yamada smirks.

  "Well little demon, Recovery girl says your free to go and leave and me and your dad is gonna go back to announcing!" Uncle Yamada says and I nod slowly and dad kisses my forehead and gives shoto a death stare and they both leave.

  "Little demon?" Shoto asks and walks towards me and sits in the chair next to the bed.

  "He always called me that when I got my quirks at the age 9." I say and he nods.

  "I wanted to come and apologize. I used my fire on you and got you extremely injured, I could've killed you...." shoto says and you grab his hand and he looks up at me.

  "I wanted you to use your fire. It's your quirk, not dipshits. I asked for that to happen, but I will help you control it during our trainings if you want to." I ask and he nods.

  "Thank you for forgiving me." He says and I look into his eyes and I start getting lost in them until he snaps his fingers infront of my face making me pay attention again.

  "Ye..yeah no problem!" I say and gives a small nod and I do something that I will probably regret but who cares anymore. I give him a kiss on the cheek making him widen his eyes and turn into a deep shade of red.

  "Wha..what was that for?" He asks still very red.

  "A thank you for always being there." I say and he nods.

  "By the way. A deal is a deal, you won fair in square. So what did you want me to do." I ask.

  "Just be ready tomorrow in casual clothing and meet me at the school entrance tomorrow." Shoto says and I nod and he helps me up and we both walk up to the viewing area to watch the last semi finals fight.



  Anyway I really hope you liked this tiny bit of fluff chapter. Anyway could you please punch that vote button in the face! I love you guys and I will see y'all later! BYE BYE!


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