{Chapter 28: Mall adventure}

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Again....sorry for another long chapter.... SEE YOU AT THE END!!



*3 days before I-Island*

  I wake up to my alarm indicating that I needed to be awake cause I was going to the mall with all of the girls cause I needed to find a dress for I-Island's conference ball with pro hero's, because shoto is going to represent Endeavor. We had to dress up, so because I own LITERALLY NOTHING FANCY! I asked all of the girls cause I need the help.

  I quickly get a shower and then blow dry my hair. I then put on a (F/c) off the shoulder shirt with black thigh length skirt and then putting on black fishnet stockings and pairing them with white doc martens. Then straighten my (h/l) (h/c) and then put on mascara and lipgloss. I grab my phone and wallet, I then see dad is on the phone and looks very irritated but his smile is what confuses me, I hide in the hallway before he notices me as he talks on the phone with this mysterious person that makes him smile.

"Well I am certainly glad that you got the flowers, I was afraid that your colleagues would do something to them." My dad says in the phone but I don't hear the other person on the phone, another minute goes by with silence until he speaks again.

"Yes, I do miss the old days as well, but now that we're both busy training students it'll be difficult fighting villains again together." He says, but he only fought villains with uncle Yamada and Ms. Joke, which I know he isn't gay and he can't stand Ms. Joke, they are the complete opposite! Unless he's hiding something from me...OMG IS HE GAY AND DATING UNCLE YAMADA?!?

"Maybe when (Y/n) leaves to I-Island, me you and Hizashi could hang out." Dad says. Well there goes the gay theory.

"Well I better go Emi, I'll talk to you when the brat leaves her hiding spot." He says and I freeze up cause I know I got caught. WHO THE HELL IS EMI?!

"Bye Emi, Yes. Love you too. Bye." He says and I hear him clear his throat and I step out from the hallway and I smile very awkwardly at him.

"Hiii dad...." I say and he crosses his arms and taps his foot.

"Listening to my conversation I presume." He says and I blush.

  "Well you were having a very interesting conversation." I say and he rolls his eyes and goes to the couch.

  "We'll talk after you get back from the mall with your friends." He says and goes in his sleeping back and I groan and walk out and head to the train station to go to the mall.

  *Timeskip to mall*

I already meet up with Ochaco and Tsu, so now we're walking in the mall and all three of us head to a coffee and tea cart, so I order a small (F/d) (favorite drink) and pay for it and we wait by the massive fountain as we talk for the other girls.

"So (y/n)~Chan. Are you excited to go to I-Island with Todoroki? Ribbit." Tsu asks

"I'm beyond excited, I heard many amazing things about I-Island and now I can see it in person and get these quirks tested. I'm beyond words." I say and they smile.

"Well I'm glad we all get to go, but Ochaco. You and Jiro get to access things with momo and (Y/n) that we can't. Are you also excited?" Tsu asks.

"It's gonna be a blast! I'm really excited to go to the conference with so many pro hero's!" Ochaco says and I smile.

"That reminds me, do you need to pick out a dress as well?" I ask and she nods.

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