{Chapter 2}

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  You finally get dressed in the uniform and you walk to the field and seeing uncle Yamada and he gives you a thumbs up and you smile at him as dad has a clipboard.

  "Nice of you to finally show up (y/n)." Dad says and you roll your eyes playfully.

  "Whatever, Whats first?" You ask and you see all my classmates watching on the side lines.

  "50 meter dash." He says and you go to the line and get in ready position, you channel your demonic speed feeling it once dad says go you quickly run in inhuman speed, Reaching to 1.32 seconds. Next was the grip test which you only got 57.02 Kg, after that was the long jump were you used your fire as a boost to get you over the sand and you look at dad and uncle Yamada where dad was smiling proudly and uncle was trying so hard to scream 'YEAHHHHHHHHHHH' you chuckled at his attempt and dad pointed to the side steps and you nod and used your speed again to try to get faster. Which did work, but now was the ball throw, dad gave you the ball and you went in the circle and gave a deep breath and threw it and used your fire to make it go farther. Dad then showed the class my score.

  "HOW THE HELL DID SHE GET 805.9 METERS!" A guy with blonde hair with a black streak yelled.

  "Kaminari. Stop yelling." Dad said and everyone shut up.

  "Now for the last test." Dad says and everyone looks confused.

  "This test is only for her quirk. I need Todoroki to come up." Dad says and Todoroki comes up.

  "I want you to attack her with ice." Dad says and he nods and gets in fighting stance and walk over.

  "I wouldn't hold back." You say as he just nods and uncle Yamada yells 'GOOOOOOOO!'

  So You burst into flames as Todoroki sends a ice wall towards you but you move out of the way as he keeps sending ice towards you, aizawa is getting impatient.

"(Y/n). Stop playing." He says and you nod and smirk and put your hand up as bakugo and midoriya widen there eyes. But little do they know, you have something up your sleeve as Todoroki sent another ice wave towards you but you send a wave of fire instantly melting the ice.

"Now now Now Todoroki, the fun begins." You say.

"Cerberus" You say and the three headed dog appears and snarls at Todoroki as he stops his ice and looks at Cerberus.

"No worries, I don't order to kill. I order him to protect me, so give it all you got. I dare you." You say with no emotion as Todoroki stood very still looking at Cerberus with a curious look. I stayed focus on the fight for about 10 minutes until dad stopped the staring off.

  "That's what I wanted to see. A new record." Dad says and I look at him and nod and Cerberus disappears and I walk towards to class and stand there hearing the results and Todoroki goes towards the back.

  "Wow. That was amazing (L/n)!" Midoriya says with his quirk book.

"thanks." You say and look back and aizawa and everyone keeps asking what I can do until a loud voice interrupts everyone.

"DEMON BITCH! DONT THINK I FORGOT ABOUT OUR FIGHT! YOUR STILL A DEMON!" Bakugo yells in your face and you look up at him.

"I don't care." You say

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU BITCH!" Bakugo yells more and you just look at dad.

"LISTEN TO ME YOU DEMON!" Bakugo yells more and has explosions come out of his hand and put it on your shoulder. You just grabbed his wrist and twisted it very painfully.

"Don't touch me." You say and let go of wrist and walk away to a area away from people.

The reason why you didn't use emotions was because of quirk and things people said in the past, you were tired of it. You just wanted to be left alone, you were more anti social than aizawa and Todoroki combined. You only let your dad and family in with emotions. You were walking towards the school until you hear footsteps coming from behind you and you see midoriya with Iida and Uraraka following behind.

  "(L/n)!" Midoriya yells and you look at him.

  "Yes." You say and you see he is still holding his book but it's open to a empty page with your name and quirk name.

  "I know you probably don't remember me or kacchan, but I wanted to ask you questions about your quirk if your welling to talk about it.." He says and starts mumbling and You look at him and then to the two others looking at midoriya concerned.

  "Fine. What do you want to know." You say and his eyes widen and his smile could solve wars. You give a slight smile.

  "What are all of your abilities. All we saw is fire, speed and the demonic dog. Can you do anything else!" He yells and everybody hears and they look at you and start walking towards to hear.

  "Fine, I'll only tell once so listen up." You say and give a deep breath and channel out all the quirk similarities between your bio parents.

  "As you know I have speed, my fire. I can burst into flames and can also control the temperature of the fire up to 3000* Fahrenheit." You say and midoriya starts writing everything down.

  "I also can do a thing called demonic possession where I can control that's persons memories and sanity, where I can make them do anything I tell them to do." You say and wait for midoriya to finish.

"I can become a animal called a hellhound, the one you saw today is that I can also summon a powerful beast called Cerberus, the gate keeper of the underworld." You say and a lot of people step back away from you thinking that's all your quirks.

  "I have two more quirks, I can shadow travel which allows me to go anywhere in the world." I say and a guy that has a bird face says something.

"Oh like this one villain, she's able to travel in the shadows as well because of her shadow manipulation quirk." Bird boy says and you tighten your fists.

  "Anyway. My last quirk is that I have a demonic form. When I get extremely angry that is when I will take that form." You say and midoriya writes out everything.

"You have very powerful quirks. Your so manly!" A guy with red spiked up hair.

"I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" He says and sticks his hand out and you look at him and nod.

"Look, my quirks are very powerful. But I have many more weaknesses then you. Now that you got your information. I will be going now." You say with no emotion and walk away to the locker room to get changed. Not caring that a certain dual haired guy watched you walk away.



I really hope you liked this chapter. I have a fun time making this chapter! Anyway I hope you guys have an amazing day! I love you guys and I will see y'all later! Bye bye!!!!


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