{Chapter 52: The Date}

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So. I'm just gonna flat out and say, you guys deserve a Holiday Present, one where you all will enjoy...so for like a week or so I have been contemplating on what to give you all until I see many and I mean MANY comments on Chapter 48 saying 'WHY DOES CLASS 1A RUIN THINGS?!' 'of course this happens' comments along those lines and I realized what I can give you. A better Smut chapter, filled with Fluff, a triple date between Kiribaku and Izuocha and the ending is of course smut.

Look I know most of you guys are not 18+ and I'm like i dont really care unless you are like 9 years old and reading this, then I will care. I will be putting the (🍋) so you know when it starts. You know the protocol. Grab your holy water and bibles cause yall will need it. I will see you all at the end card!

  ■I will warn you..it is detailed. So....*sighs* Happy Holidays I guess.■

-Hannah 🔥

Long chapter ahead, Over 4000 words•


"Y/N! Come on and get ready." Ochaco yells as I'm reading 'Divergent' on my swing. I look up and see she is wearing a nice outfit and I raise an eyebrow.

"Ready for what?" I ask honestly so confused on what's happening.

"For our triple date." Ochaco says

"Doesnt ring a bell." I say and I go back to reading but she grabs my book and puts the bookmark in it so I wont lose my place.

"With me, Deku as well as Kirishima and Bakugo." She says and I remember last weeks conversation where bakugo asks me and Shoto if we wanted to go.

"Oooh, yeah now I remember." I say sitting back in the swing.

"Sooooo. Arent you gonna get ready?" She asks, making me groan.

"Why cant I just wear my leggings and a oversized shirt?" I ask but she just throws Jean's and a shirt at my face.

"Get dressed in that." She says and I just roll my eyes and I go and get dressed in my bathroom. I quickly get dressed and notice that she gave me black ripped jeans with a graphic tee of (F/Band). I tuck in the graphic tee but not too tightly, when I get out of the bathroom, i grab a black belt that has chains attached to it while Ochaco puts on alittle makeup.

"Do you want your makeup done or no?" She asks but I just shake my head no, as I head to my closet and take out my (f/c) sneakers

"Do you think it's going to get cold?" I ask as I grab socks and I put them on.

"Well I heard from Kirishima that we are going to the movies so its bound to be cold in there." She says as she puts on her blush.

"Jacket it is then." I say as I put on a black zip up jacket.

"So tell me, have you and shoto done it since you both had to have sex for your season?" She asks so casually as she is putting on her mascara that momo bought her from the last mall trip we all went on.

"Oh- I, well you see- uh.. No comment." I say very quickly

"I'm gonna take that as a yes." She says with a smile making me blush alittle, my mind instantly goes to when me and shoto had sex, the Ice cube going over my stomach and I can still feel where he kissed and used his tongue on my body making my blush a deep red.

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