{Chapter 17- Interships part 1}

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The day of internships, I was already packed up even with my hero suit. I got a quick shower and warmed up my body making me dry instantly so I could get my uniform on. I then put on my shoes and grab my suitcase and hero case and head downstairs and seen dad drinking coffee and smiling a lot...

  "Um are you okay?" I ask

"I don't have to deal with hormonal teenagers for a week. Especially mineta." He says sipping his coffee.

"And I can finally get more sleep because some daughter of mine. Not naming names, will be training with someone else for a week." He says smirking.

"Wow. That daughter of yours sound selfish." I say.

"Oh she is. Did you know she tryed stealing a sleeping bag for herself?" He says and I roll my eyes.

"All my blankets were dirty. I needed to sleep in something, you can't blame me." I say and he chuckles.

"I would go down to the station so you can talk to the boyfriend of yours." He says but when he looks you were already out the door.

I then head to the train station and see that Iida, Tokoyami, Momo and shoto is already there. I then walk towards them and Iida sees me and walks towards me.

"Good morning (L/n)! I assume you are going to be going to Hosu city as well (L/n)?" Iida asks.

"Yeah. That's where the agency is." I say and I see shoto walking over and I smile.

"Hi shoto!" I say very excitedly and Iida walks away to greet other people.

"Good morning love." He says and kisses my forehead making me smile more.

"I'm sorry I didn't chose endeavor as my internship." I say.

"(Y/n). You already know how to control your fire. Rin can help you with your demonic form and hell fire. I rather you learn than stand there and not learn." Shoto says and I nod cause he has a point.

"When we see eachother after this, I want to see you using more of your demonic side and hellfire." He says and I smile more and kiss him softly.

"Thank you shoto." I say and he nods

"(Y/N)!" All the girls yell and give me a huge group hug making shoto to walk away.

"You just saw me yesterday." I say and they all laugh.

"How was the date." Uraraka says.

"It was good." I say and the rest of the time we talked about my date with shoto and a lot of other random stuff. Then dad came and told us to act professional and to represent UA.

"Bye dad. Make sure to keep Uncle Yamada in check." I say and give him a hug before I get on the train with Iida.

"Love you." I say.

"Love you too (Y/n)." He says and I walk on the train with Iida sitting next to him.

"So who are you interning?" I ask Iida.

  "Pro hero Manual." He says and I raise an eyebrow.

  "Oh ok." I say, it sounds very suspicious, but I don't wanna pry. The rest of the train ride was very silent, except for the end when he was talking about how we need to represent UA to the fullest and how I shouldn't slack off. Once our stop came we both get off and head to our agency's.

  Once I got to mine, it look huge. I then ring the buzzer to be let in.

  "How may I help you?" A female asks.

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