{Chapter 41: Cram School Part 1}

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  Hello, my lovely readers.

  I want you guys to know, just because I came back very quickly does not mean I am fully healed by no means at all. I find writing has helped me so much during the grieving and depressing situations, but if you could please reframe from hate comments saying my way of healing is wrong by coming early that would be very much appreciated.

  Thank you everyone who has given me positive messages and I love you all. God, I sound like a broken record, but it is true. I love you all!

  I love every single one of you guys and I want to get better, your positive and funny comments have made me laugh and smile so much and I hope you guys continue doing that.

  Anyway, guys I really hope you like this chapter and I will see you all at the end card.



"Come on (y/n)! You have to!" My dad yells from the outside of my room.

"IM NOT WEARING THE UNIFORM! I DONT GO TO SCHOOL HERE!" I yell as I get on skinny jeans and (f/b) shirt (favorite band) and putting on my black combat boots.

"(Y/n) (m/n) Aizawa if I have to wear the exorcist uniform then you have to wear the school uniform!" Dad yells

"THE SKIRT IS TOO SHORT! I WILL WEAR THE SHIRT BUT NOT THE SKIRT!" I yell as I take off the shirt and put on the uniform shirt on and start tying the tie.

"The skirt is fine!" Dad yells.

"Tch. If you like the skirt so bad then why don't you wear it then!" I yell as I grab my phone and headphones and bookbag cause apparently I still have classes here, I then open the door and see my dad in the exorcist uniform but with his goggles on his head and scarf still.

"I'm ready." I say with a smile and he looks and sees I'm wearing my jeans with combat boots, but my uniform shirt was tucked in so that's a plus.

"You're going to be the death of me (y/n)." Dad says but I just smile and walk down the stairs as I look at the group chat and boy is Iida going crazy.

EngineRep💨: Kaminari! You can not jump off your balcony to get outside quicker!

BoomBoomBoy💥: do a flip dumbass.

Sharky🦈: he's not going to do it.

Pika⚡: Iida, you see. I'm not jumping off the balcony, I'm simply yeeting myself out of the dorm room.

EmoBird: this is why we need Aizawa here.

Me: Dadzawa is currently angry at me and at the school for forcing him to wear the teacher's uniform 😂

IcePrince❤: (y/n) help me. Iida, Midoriya, Uraraka and Asui is forcing me to go to the mall with them.

Me: Shoto Hubby, you can't stay inside reading or training. Go have fun. So midoriya, force him to go with you guys 🙃

SmallMight👊: You got it (y/n)!

IcePrince: Midoriya if you come near this dorm room I will kick your ass just like I did in the sports festival.

SmallMight👊: Where are you! You're not in your room!

Uravity🙏: Check (y/n)'s room Deku!

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