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  HELLO HELLO HELLO! I know I know I know its been like what- 2 years? since I updated this book but like. I physically cringe at this book I'm sorry but I can not update this book. 

  First of all, I promise I am not dead at all. Its just I grew up and opened my eyes for a certain green haired swordsman. If any of my readers still read this book and like One piece, I hope my new story will do you justice :D My writing style has drastically changed over the past 2 years, I can promise you its not cringy unlike some of my past work but this time around I have a friend that will be helping me with editing. I am truly excited for this fanfiction and I am on my hands and knees pleading for yall to read it. 

  It would mean the world to me if yall read my newest x READER. Fun-fact its a smut book, I know some of yall liked my smut chapters in this book (WHICH I DO REGRET MAKING ALRIGHT) but please, let me redeem my place as a cool fanfic writer again 

  If you guys are interested in One Piece and a certain green haired swordsman that is kinda an alcholic but we love that alright? Its called 'The Swordsman Tango'

  I love you all <3

No I'm not updating

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