{Chapter 49}

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I wake up from someone kissing my neck and soreness coming from in-between my legs and I slowly open my eyes and I see Shoto nuzzling my neck as he kisses it.

"Morning sho" I say making him look up and he kisses me deeply making me very surprised but I kiss him back making me moan in the kiss and he smiles as I feel his hand goes down my hip.

We continue our little make out session as things get alittle heated making him get on top of me and mumbles to me.

"Round 2" he says with a smile making me smile with him, until a loud knock interrupts us making him groan as I kiss him softly so he calms down and he puts on sweatpants as I cover my body back up with a blanket.

"Who is it." He says in his monotone voice.

"Open up dear, I'm here to check up on her." Recovery girl says and I widen my eyes but Shoto hands me his shirt and it covers necessary parts and he lets in recovery girl as she wheels in equipment.

"I thought I was suppose to see you at UA?" I ask as I sit up and Shoto closes the door and he sits on my swing as he looks at me in desperate need.

"Yeah you were, but you were taking too long so I came here. Young Man come here so I can see your neck." Recovery girl says and he nods and walks towards us and sits next to me and rubs my thigh as recovery girl checks his neck.

"So I see you both mated, how do you feel (y/n)?" She asks as she looks at me making me blush as shoto smirks.

"Good...can we not talk about this?" I ask and recovery girl shakes her head.

"Not like that Missy. I'm talking about if you've physically feel better. Have you thrown up today? Are you still weak? Are you able to access your quirks again?" She asks.

"I haven't thrown up. I feel alittle bit weak but not enough for me to stay in bed and for the quirks...I still feel cold. So I don't have access yet I believe." I say and she nods as she takes my temperature. Once we hear the beep she looks at and shakes her head.

"Your temperature right now is 96.5, but your skin pigment looks normal, your under eye bags have disappeared alittle bit. Todoroki can you read her wrist?" She asks and he nods.

"That's good then. That means it was accepted, I will let staff know about the progress. Did you want to try to eat something today?" She asks.

"Can we try toast too see if my body accepts it?" I ask

"That's what I was going to recommend dearie. Please be careful, I'll be back later today to check up on you." She says as she packs up and I wave goodbye as she leaves and once she closes the door Shoto immediately gets back on top of me making me laugh but he pins my wrists above my head making me smile as he chuckles.

"Now, I did say round 2 didn't I." He says as he starts kissing my neck making me moan out and nod.

"Then let's get started." He smirks as he kisses me deeply making me kiss him back.


"Did you want to try to eat downstairs in the common room love?" Shoto asks as he hands me a pair of leggings and a t-shirt and he takes a shirt that was his.

"Do you think we would be in the clear? Like no one knows right?" I ask and he nods.

"No one knows love. I promise." He says and I nod and I slowly get up and he wraps an arm around my waist.

"You did this." I say to him as he smiles.

"And I'll do it again." He says making me blush a deep red.

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