{Chapter 35}

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🐱•Aizawa's POV•🐱

"(Y/n)!" I yell and run out of the room and I see everyone was listening but they tried to look busy. I would've thought they were cleaning until I saw kaminari sweeping a broom but the broom is upside down and sero is reading a magazine but it's upside down making me roll my eyes.

"Where did she go," I ask

"We have no idea sir." Iida says and todoroki comes up to me.

"What is wrong with (y/n). She has never acted like that ever." Shoto says and I look around and I see everyone is listening.

"I will explain it to you in the future todoroki. I just need all of you to get some rest for tomorrow's training. I will worry about (y/n). Lights out." I say and I walk in the room I'm staying in.


🔥•(Y/n)'s POV•🔥

After the argument with my father, I quickly turned into my hellhound form just so I can run faster and use the stealth I needed in case shoto or my dad came looking for me, so that's why I stayed in a cave near the campsite so I wouldn't get that lost when I need to go and train.

Once I get woken up by the light coming from the entrance of the cave. I feel that I'm still in my hellhound form so I could of keep warm that night.

"Tokoyami, you'll be gaining control of dark shadow in here." I hear my dad say and I hide behind a rock so he won't see me.

"Yes sir." Tokoymia says and he walks in the cave and once my dad leaves he brings out dark shadow and dark shadow becomes crazy and he starts coming towards the rock that I'm hiding behind.

"GET OUT HERE YOU BEAST AND FIGHT ME!" Dark shadow says making Tokoyami scream because dark shadow is taking control and I squint my eyes and I come out from hiding and I see that Tokoyami notices me and he widens his eyes.

"Holy shit..." He says and he starts to walk backward so he can go in the light so he can gain control of dark shadow. I then start walking towards him trying to help him but to him it looks like a wolf with glowing white and red eyes trying to attack him.

"Dark shadow do not attack!" Tokoyami says and I don't hear the explosions going off outside anymore, but I keep walking forward so Tokoyami gets out of the cave as I can feel my sanity go way down from being in the form for too long and dark shadow try to attack me.

"Kill the thing!" Dark shadow yells making me snarl and show my very sharp canines.

"What is going on in there?!" My father yells from outside the cave.

"There's an animal in here and it's about to attack!" He yells back as trying to get ahold of dark shadow.

"WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE!" shoto says but I don't even process what's happening as I'm about to lunge at Tokoyami.

"ALL I SEE IS RED AND WHITE EYES AND SHARP TEETH!" He yells back and I start running to him but a scarf grabs him and pulls him outside making me run outside and snarl at everyone who is outside of the cave.

I don't even recognize the people around as I snarl and snap at the guy who has red and white hair as he tries to touch me.

"Get away from her todoroki!" A man with shaggy black hair says.

"What's so dangerous about the demon bitch?" A guy with spiky hair says as he comes towards me with explosions coming out of his hands and I snap my teeth at him almost ripping his hand off but the guy with the black shaggy hair grabbed him just in time.

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