New School

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Merry Christmas this is my second Christmas gift to you. It's a bit of a filler this one but I wanted a light-hearted chapter after the emotion of the last few and for Christmas day.

Moving into Brian's meant a change in schools, if Amelia had stayed at her old school it would have meant an hour and a half drive every day and it's just too much. It would mean she would have to be up at six every morning.

Going to her theatre group is still on hold for the time being, Brian doesn't mind the drive for the theatre although it's the same length of time it's only once a week and it's not until the afternoon.

Amelia comes downstairs for breakfast dressed in her new uniform, black skirt, white shirt, green cardigan and green bow in her hair, "Very smart," Anita smiles placing her breakfast in front of her.

She gets a small thank you from the girl but nothing more. Amelia picks at her food but doesn't eat much, "Are you nervous, love?"

"I'm scared I won't make any friends. I had Jessy at my old school but no one else, what if they don't like me?" The mention of Jessica make Amelia miss her friend, she will still see her at Madame Edith's though.

"Maybe you should read that letter," Brian had got the box out for her last night at her request but Amelia said she would wait until the morning to read it.

Racing upstairs for it Amelia comes back down moments later and starts reading the New School letter:

Hi Milly,

First thing I want to say is a happy new year. I realise that my letter and gifts on Christmas day will have been a shock and upsetting but please don't be sad, I may be gone but I'll always watch over you.

You're starting your new school today and I know you'll be nervous but there's no need to be, you're going to make friends even if it's just the one. Sometimes having one good friend is better than having lots of fake friends.

You're a smart girl and I have every confidence that you will do well in your lessons, concentrate but have fun with your friends too and try not to get in trouble with your teachers. Good Luck, be brave and just be yourself, I believe in you.

Love you lots,

Dad xx

Unlike the last letter, this one makes her smile and eases her nerves a little, enough for her to eat some breakfast. Because she is the least recognisable Anita will be doing the school run, not that she minds.

"Have you got everything?" Anita asks as she pulls into a parking space.

"Yep," She chirps holding up her bag to show she has everything, "Can I go?"

Anita smiles nodding, "Of course, have a good day, love." She watches Amelia hop out the car shouting a goodbye as she goes, praying that today goes well for her.

Amelia is met at the door by her new year one teacher, Miss Jenkins and follows her to her new classroom. Miss Jenkins introduces Amelia to the class before directing her to the last spare seat next to a blonde-haired little girl.

Not wanting to be rude she doesn't introduce herself to the girl until Miss Jenkins set them on their task and everyone else start chatting, "I'm Amelia, call me Milly," She tells the girl.

"I'm Rosie," the girl replies looking Amelia up and down before whispering, "Your Freddie Mercury's daughter aren't you?"

Amelia looks around frantically to make sure no one else heard her, "How did you know that?"

"My daddy is a Queen fan," Rosie giggles, "I saw a picture of you with Queen and it said underneath that you were Freddie's daughter."

"Please don't tell anyone else," Amelia pleads, "I don't want the attention."

"Your secrets save with me, can we be friends?" Rosie bit her lip nervously, "I don't really have any here."

"I'd like that," This reminds Amelia of Jessica and she can't help but miss her more.

"I'm sorry about your dad by the way. You must miss him."

"Thank you, I really miss him but he's watching over me, I can feel it," That was a lie she couldn't feel anything but sad. Dropping the subject the two girls move on, helping each other with their work.


Amelia bounded out to the car when she finished school, "Did you have a good day, love?" Anita turns in the driver's seat to see her.

"Yes, I made a friend. Her name is Rosie."

"Oh fantastic," Anita starts the car and they pull away from the school then she continues, "See... I told you you'd be okay."


Being at school Amelia finally has a routine, she'd wake up have breakfast and go to school. Anita would pick her up and hear all about the girls day then Brian would get the same conversation when she got home.

Once at home she would do her homework and chores which is to feed the cat, set the table for dinner and tidy her room when needed, that isn't very often because she is quite tidy for a six-year-old. Brian hadn't given her the cores, surprisingly she asked Brian for them saying that she did them when living with Freddie and she likes to help.

Brian doesn't believe in the perfect textbook child but if he had to pick one Amelia would be his, Freddie had done a better job at being a dad then he thought. She likes to be helpful, she is good at school and is polite to everyone. She also has a good sense of right and wrong but that not to say she doesn't have her moments.

Someone who doesn't like Amelia's new routine is Romeo. He'd got used to her always being around and with her being at school most of the day now Brian often finds him sat at the window on the stairs that looks over the driveway waiting for her to come home.

The Friday of her second week back at school and Brian realises Romeo is not in his normal spot, he looks everywhere but can't find him. He finds Oscar on the window seat in the living room but no Romeo. He hopes he's in the garden.


When they arrive at school Amelia picks up her bag to get out of the car but stops at how heavy it is, it isn't usually that heavy. Anita frowns wondering why she stopped, "You alright love?"

Unzipping the bag Amelia chuckles, Romeo is sat inside and meows when he sees her, "I think you need to take this one home." She lifts him out of the bag passing him to Anita.

"Looks like someone wants to join in on the school lessons," Anita sits him on the front seat. Amelia says goodbye and heads into school, Romeo watching her meowing for her to come back.

Scratching the back of his head Anita chuckles, "She'll be home later buddy but you're going to have to get used to her being gone most of the day, she still has another ten years of school." He meows again curling up on the seat.

Introducing Rosie Tate played by Elle Fanning, unlike Jessica and Amelia her actress will not change as she gets older. 


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