Christmas with the In-Laws

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Filler chapter and baby central. Also ^this picture though 🤣

December 2018

Waiting at the airport, Amelia struggles to hold back her excitement. Gwilym's plane is coming into land, he's been in Tokyo with the boys for the Bohemian Rhapsody press release tour but with him being away in York since the middle of November, she hasn't since him in 6 weeks.

She talked to him every day via calls, texts or facetime but it's not the same. When the gate opens and the first wave of people from first-class come through. Gwilym is amongst them.

Running at him, Gwilym drops his bag on her approach, catching her with the biggest smile on his face.

He wraps her in the tightest hug, moving them to the side out the way of other people. He breathes in her scent, a mix of perfume and lavender from her shampoo. It's the smell he links with home, "I've missed you."

She buries her face in his neck, arms around his shoulders careful not to squash her bump, "I've missed you too. So has Freddie."

"Really," While neither of them really wanted to be apart for that long it was also a good test to see if Freddie would miss having Gwilym around.

"Yeah. He was starting to think you weren't coming home, he got quite upset about it actually," She hadn't expected him to. But it's a weight off her shoulders knowing that he does see Gwilym as his dad.

Pulling back to look at her he pecks her lips setting her back on her feet, "Don't say that, I'll never leave."

"Hey it's good though," She traces his jawline with her finger, "He sees you as his dad and now we know it's the truth."

"Where is Freddie anyway?" Gwilym frowns climbing in the passenger's seat when they get to the car.

Amelia concentrates on pulling out of the parking space before answering him, "He's Christmas shopping with Anita. Since we'll be at your parents from Sunday, Brian and Anita wanted to spend today and tomorrow with him and give him his Christmas presents."

Since they spend Christmas at the lodge last year, they're going to Sutton-Cold-Field for Christmas this year.

"Are we joining them?" He settles his hand on her thigh as she drives.

"Yes, tomorrow morning." It will be their first years since she was in New York that she won't spend it with her parents but she's married now and that means doing Christmas with his family too. They're lovely in-laws anyhow so she doesn't mind.

"On another note, how did the scan go? Did you find out what we're having?" She had her 20-week scan yesterday, he was disappointed he had to miss it but it couldn't be changed or so he thought.

"No, I moved the appointment."

His eyes light up, "What? When to?"

"Today, that's where we're going now. I know you were disappointed that you couldn't come to the scan so I ring and they didn't have space when I asked before that's why she said no but someone cancelled so she rang to change it." She doesn't want to do this appointment without him anyway. It's his child too, he should know at the same time as her.

It doesn't take them long to get to the clinic and when they arrive they go straight in. Before she knew it, she's lying on the examination table, Gwilym sat holding her hand beside her.

"Your baby is developing nicely, good strong heartbeat." Megan presses the button to hear the heartbeat, "Have you felt any kicking yet?"

"No, I've felt the swirling movement but no kicking." She's been waiting to feel it so that Gwilym can feel it.

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