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"What story tonight?" Freddie asks tucking Amelia into bed.

"Jungle Book," she rubs her tired eyes. Picking the book off the shelf Freddie gets through the first five pages before she is out like a light.

Putting a bookmark in the book he puts it to the side to continue tomorrow and kisses her forehead. He gives Romeo a quick fuss before turning out the bedside lamp for the night light.

He quietly brushes his teeth not to disturb Jim, who is already asleep, when he starts coughing. Grabbing a drink of water he chugs it down to relieve it.

Climbing into bed Jim rolls onto his back, "You really need to see the doctor about that cough Freddie."

Since his cold in October Freddie hasn't recovered to his full strength. He's almost always tired and his hacking cough is worrying Jim.

Like always Freddie brushes it off, "I just need some sleep and it will go away."

"You've been saying that since November, love and it's now nearing the end of March. I've seen the blood on the tissues you cough into," Freddie opens his mouth to protest but Jim interjects, "No! If not for me then do it for Milly."

Sighing the singer gives in, "I'll make an appointment in the morning, the achiness in my joints is starting to become more noticeable."

Jim sits up, "Achy joints? You've not mentioned that before."

"It's only in the last day or so. I promise to call my doctor in the morning lovie but right now I just need some sleep." Switching the light off, the two settle down for the night.

Around midnight Freddie stirs to the sound of the door creaking open and bare feet padding across the floor. Rolling over when Amelia shakes his shoulder, eyes red and puffy clutching her bear to her chest, "Milly, what's the matter darling?" he whispers.

Sniffing Amelia wipes the tears from her tired eyes, "Nightmare," she hiccups.

Freddie lifts the covers and she climbs into the warm space next to her dad. He wraps the covers around her shaking form, "Are you cold, sweetheart?" She shakes her head sniffing again, "Nightmare must have been a scary one then, do you want to tell me about it?"

She shakes her head again and Freddie just wraps his arms tighter around her, "then just close your eyes and think about one of your books, imagine being one of the characters. Your safe my angel, whatever frightened you can't get you here, I'll always make sure of that."


Freddie got an appointment with the doctors and two days later he sat in the chair opposite the doctor explaining his symptoms.

"So the coughing, the fatigue and the achy joints when did they start?" the doctor writes the symptoms on his clipboard.

"I was ill with a cold back in October but I never recovered back to my full straight. The coughing and fatigue stem from that cold and the achiness began about a week ago," Freddie paused debating whether to inform him of the other thing, "over the past month or so I have started bringing up specks of blood when I cough."

The doctor hums, "That is concerning, I'm going to run some tests but until they come back I can't give you a certain indication as to what the problem is." He starts taking a few blood samples.

"But you think there is a problem?" Freddie's not stupid coughing up blood is never a good sign.

Sighing the doctor takes the last lot of blood, "Possibly. These blood tests will be back in a week. I will ring you when the results come in and we can set up an appointment to review any findings. Until then I'm afraid it just a case of waiting, I'm sorry."

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