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Don't worry I haven't got my days mixed up I'm just having a really good day and have time to post. You will have one tomorrow as normal.

A week ago Brianna's maternity line was released Amelia's pregnancy along with it, the news spread across social media like wildfire and she's glad of it because at 16 weeks her bump is hard to hide now.

Midnight last night saw the release of the Somebody to Love single and Queen fans and the media want mad for it.

It reached number one within 24 hours and Amelia, Brian and Roger were flooded with interviews. They accepted a couple and Amelia and Brian have just got home from one.

Anita hands Amelia some mail that came through the post, she sat down to eat her dinner while flicking through.

She almost chokes on her sip of water when she sees a letter from the prison.

"What is it, Milly?" Brian frowns recognising the return address on the back of the envelope.

She finishes reading it before answering, "Michael. He wants to see me."

Anita sighs, "Just ignore it, love. They shouldn't have sent it to you in the first place." Amelia wanted to do that, just rip it up and move on but another part of her is telling her to go.

Brian knows that look, "You can't actually be considering this," She doesn't answer looking down at her bump rubbing it lightly, "Milly after everything he did to you and still want to go and see him. Why?"

"Because I have to know," She snaps standing rapidly from her chair, "According to this letter he's sober and a completely different person to the one they dragged out of the courtroom. I'm not saying I'm letting him back into my life because that's never going to happen, I'll never forgive him for what he did and he will never know his child but I need to know if it was the alcohol that made him like that or if this was the real him all along."

She knows they're only worried about her going, "Brian, surely you of all people can understand the need for clarity. If it makes you feel better you can come with me so I'm not there alone."

"Too right you're not going alone. Just this one visit," Brian conditions.

"Yes I just need the clarity of knowing if our entire relationship was a lie or if it was just the alcohol," She knows this is insane but it's the one question she needs an answer for.

"Fine, I'll ring the prison and go from there. I'm not happy about it though," He knows this is going to end in tears but she's an adult now, he can't make these decisions for her.

"I know you're not but thank you," She doesn't need their permission but still.


"I still can't believe we're doing this," Brian shakes his head passing over the paperwork to the guard at the gate.

They are lead to a private room by a female guard, "We don't know why he wants to see you but there will be two guards in there with you, he can't touch you. Myself and Brian will be watching from the room next door. When you want to leave let one of the guards know and they will let you out."

Entering the room, Michael is already sat on the far chair. She expected him to shout or get angry but he just stares at her or more specifically her bump.

Taking the other chair Amelia speaks first, "In the letter, it said you were repeatedly asking to see me, why?"

"I'm sorry," He whispers.

"What?" She spat not believing her ears.

"I said I'm sorry," He repeats more firmly, "I asked you to come because after I sobered up I realised what I'd done, I had to show you that I'm not that man it was just the alcohol."

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