End of an Era

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Updating today because I won't have time tomorrow.

11th January 2009

Amelia finished the matinee show for the day and changes out of her costume before starting the hard task of removing the green face and hand paint.

Given that it takes so long to get off she is the last one in the dressing rooms. She'd done her hands and one side of her face when a male voice spoke behind her, "That looks like a bitch to get off."

She looks at her door through the mirror and a young man, slightly tan skin, dark hair and light blue/grey eyes, she snorts at his comment, "It is, believe me."

Turning around she looks at him properly recognising the face, she sees the uniform, he must be one of the light and sound crew but that's not where she's seen him before, "Have you always worked here during this production?"

"No, I'm covering for someone. I was working on another production, I finished with them last week and I'm going back to London tomorrow for a new job in a week but they asked me to cover and I had nothing else to do so why not?" He smiles, "Why do you ask?"

She knew that accent was British, "Because I recognise you. You're from London you say? What school did you train at?"

"RADA or Royal Academy..."

"Of Dramatic Arts. Did you have an audition at ArtsEd too?" She knows who he is.

"Yes, how did you know that?" He frowns.

"You're Michael Owens? I'm Amelia Mercury or Milly we met at the RADA auditions."

He laughs, "You know I had a weird feeling I knew you from somewhere, I can't tell because of the green paint but I suppose the name should have been a giveaway."

"Oh hold," Amelia turns back to the mirror and removes the last of the paint, "There, is that better?"

"Yes much prettier, now I know you. Wow, ArtsEd did well for you huh? Your amazing on stage by the way," He compliments.

"Thank you," Amelia blushed, "RADA didn't work out to bad for you either."

"Yeah I've been here in New York for two years now but I'm looking forward to going home, the new job is permanent so I don't have to worry about moving all the time," A member of the crew shouts for him to hurry up, "Sorry I've got to go but it was nice seeing you again."

He turns around and walk in the direction of the soundbox but is back seconds later, "Look I don't want to miss out on another chance like at school. So would you be up for going on a date with me?" Michael bit his lips nervously.

She smiles but frowns straight after, "I can't do tonight and don't you go home tomorrow?"

"Oh shoot, yes I do. When are you back in London?" He asks.

"Not until the beginning of June, sorry," She watches him shrug and turns away "but," she stops him this time and he looks back, "If your willing to wait until June, then I'd be happy to go on a date then?" That's the best she can offer him.

"June? Okay," He nods, "You got a pen and paper?" He takes what she offers and writes his number down. Amelia does the same and they swap, "Message me when your back and we'll go from there. I'll see you in June," He grins walking away.


When she got home she saved Michael's number in her phone with a reminder to message him and later that evening after eating her dinner she was on Skype with Brian, Anita and Roger, America Idol on in the background.

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