Brit Awards

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"She's too young Freddie," Jim tells him for the second time.

"If it were any other child then I might agree with you but Milly is mature for her age, Miss Poppy said it herself. She's a good girl and I know if told her to be good she would do so, what would be the harm in taking her?" It's February 1990 and Freddie wants to take Amelia with him to the Brit Awards.

He's collecting his award on Friday and because Jim prefers to say out of the limelight so won't be accompanying him, "Why not ask Mary?"

"I thought about it but I want to share this moment with my daughter and..." He trails off.

"And what?" Jim knew there was another reason.

Freddie sighs, "I'm never going to see her in her wedding dress or prom dress, I want the chance to see her in a beautiful dress and this is that opportunity. Besides it also gives me a reason to leave early after receiving the award," he hates to use his illness or his daughter but he's doesn't have the energy to enjoy a big party however much he'd love too.

Sighing Jim gives in, "You don't really need my approval since she's your daughter and maybe taking Amelia will distract the media from you."

It's no secret that Freddie reduced time in the limelight has sparked a flurry of rumours so when they see his sadly declining physical appearance on Friday, that's going to spark a new wave of media attention.


Lay cuddled up next to her dad, Amelia watches the last of her favourite film the Fox and the Hound, trying not to fall asleep. Freddie watches the film through tired eyes running his fingers through her hair.

When the film end he knows it's her bedtime but he enjoys these quiet moments when it's just the two of them and he can't bring himself to move her. He then remembers what he needs to ask her, "Milly?" She yawns looking up at him to show she is listening, "You know I've to collect that award on Friday?"

She nods and he continues, "Well, I'm allowed to take a plus one and I wondered if you would come with me?"

"Not Jim?" She yawns again.

"No, you know he prefers to stay out of the limelight but I'd love to share this moment with you, we can get you a pretty dress to wear and one late night won't hurt. What do you say?" He just wants to see his little girl in a pretty dress.

He's spent all week in bed just to have the energy to go to the awards on Friday, "Okay," she nods again.

"Now I'm afraid it's bedtime sweetheart," he kisses her forehead, "Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning."

She hugs his neck, pecking her own kiss on his cheek before climbing off the bed, "Night night."


The Brit Awards came around quickly and as promised Freddie sorted Amelia the most beautiful dress. He waits downstairs and when the car horn sounds Amelia bounds down the stairs, "Wow, Milly. You look like a princess," He beams, "A fitting princess to four Queens. Give me a twirl."


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