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Their Disney holiday came around quickly after the honeymoon, the time between the two holidays had been weird like they weren't quite back in reality. The holiday with Freddie had been the right call, their first holiday as a family.

But two days after coming back from Florida, the media brought them crashing back down to reality. Gwilym, Amelia and Freddie were enjoying quiet breakfast when her phone rang. Excusing herself from the table, she gets up to answer it, "Morning, Brian."

"Morning Milly, um... we have a bit of a problem."

Well, there goes her happy mood, "What kind of problem?"

"Is Gwilym there? He should probably hear this too."

"Yeah, hold on," She holds the phone away from her mouth waving Gwilym over and telling Freddie to finishes his breakfast. Moving into the next room, she puts the phone on loudspeaker, "Okay, Gwilym's here. What's going on?"

"Do you remember back in December when you released that announcement about both of you being engaged? There was a bit of a story in the paper..."

"About me only getting the role because Milly was my girlfriend?" Gwilym finishes for him, sighing. He knew they hadn't heard the last of that.

"Yes, that's the one."

Amelia frowns, "I thought that rumour was shut down?"

"It was but with the release of the trailer and the announcement of your wedding it's brought it back up, and this time it's not going away."

"So what are we suppose to do, go back in time and not get back together at all?" She complains, not happy about this at all, "When did this come back up?"

"While you were away in Florida but we didn't want to ruin your holiday and we hoped it might die down."

"So what do we do?" Gwilym takes a calmer approach though she's not sure how when the news is basically attacking him. "We know it's fake but I don't think a media message would be enough this time."

"What about a TV interview?" Amelia offers she'll do what it takes to shut this fake rumour down. Gwilym got that role on his own merit, "We can debunk the fake news but adverts the film at the same time."

"That's not a bad idea. I'll ring Miami, get him to set something up then I'll get back to you. How was the Disney trip by the way?"

Smiling, Amelia tries to picture herself back there, "It's was lovely though I think the rest of Freddie's summer holiday could be boring in comparison."

Brian's chuckle rings through the phone, "It's only just over a week then he's back to school. I'm sure you'll find things to keep him occupied. I'll call you back in a bit."

Hanging up, Amelia sighs in frustration, "Why do newspapers do this? You got that role because of your own talents it had absolutely nothing to do with me, I didn't even know who they'd picked until the script reading."

"It's to make money," Gwilym wraps his arms around her to calm her down. They're interrupted by a knock at the front door.

Pulling away from his embrace Amelia goes to answer the door Gwilym behind smiling when on the other side is Brianna, Ben and Frankie, "Well this is a surprise come in please."

"Frankie too?" Ben raises an eyebrow.

"Yes Frankie too, the cats are upstairs so don't worry about them," She bends over to give the beagle a fuss before letting them in. "Freddie! Come and see who's here."

They hear a scrap of the kitchen chair and running footsteps, "Frankie!" Freddie beams, running over to play with the now excitable dog.

To keep Frankie from going upstairs they all go into the living room, "To what do we owe this visit or is it a drop by?" Gwilym asks sitting next to his wife.

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