Another Wedding

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The 3rd of May is the day of Ben and Brianna's wedding, it's also the day of Amelia's due date but their baby girl still hasn't shown any signs of making her entrance into this world.

With the wedding at half eleven, Gwilym was up bright and early to get Freddie ready. They're thankfully this time Ben and Brianna's wedding fell on an Inset day so Freddie can be at this wedding.

Gwilym was also under the impression that Amelia wouldn't be joining them with it being her due date, he assumed she would want to rest before the baby comes. So when he walks into the bedroom to find his wife dressed and doing her hair, he's taken back, "What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for the wedding? Is Freddie dressed?" Amelia laughs a slight furrow to her brow, pinning the last of her hair in place, "Or have you forgotten that's today?"

"No, I haven't forgotten, Freddie's just eating his breakfast then he'll get dressed. Don't want him to spill anything on his shirt but Milly, I also know that today is your due date, I didn't think you'd be coming to the wedding." He follows her to the bathroom.

"Of course I'm coming." She tries not to get annoyed with him, he's only worried, "It's my best friends wedding and I said I'd be there if I could."

"Yes, I thought you meant that for if the baby was already born. You sure you don't want to stay here and rest?" The last few days she's been uncomfortable, feeling heavy and getting Brixton Hicks. He's done what he can to help make her comfortable but it hurts him to see her so uncomfortable.

"So I stay here and if I go into labour everyone I know including my husband is at the wedding and I have no way of getting to the hospital so I give birth here alone?" She stops applying her mascara to look at him, eyebrow raised, "You think that's a better idea do you?"

"Look, I'm not entirely keen on going to a wedding 40 weeks pregnant, I hoped we'd be taking a newborn with us to the wedding but I can tell you right at this moment that I feel as close to giving birth as I did when I first found out I was pregnant. I honestly believe that the safest place for me right now is at that wedding than staying here alone." The baby's head is down in position but she's been like that for the past two weeks.

Sighing, Gwilym knows she's right, he could say he'd stay here with her and they wouldn't go to the wedding at all but that would probably turn into an argument, "I guess your right. But the moment you feel a contraction you tell me and we head for the hospital."

"I will I promise." Amelia swipes on a little lipstick turns to him fully, "Now, how do I look?"

" Amelia swipes on a little lipstick turns to him fully, "Now, how do I look?"

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"Beautiful." He'll always think she's beautiful but there's something about watching her get dressed up, doing her hair and make-up that makes her look so elegant, "Without the front, how do you really feel?"

She sits on the bed, asking him to do her shoes, "Huge, heavy but I feel better for getting out and doing something rather than being stuck in the house waiting for it to happen."

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