Helping Out

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Just a note if update day falls on a Wednesday, it will almost always be an early morning update

Sat at his piano Freddie working away at a new song for a future album, watching over Amelia as she plays on the floor with Romeo.

Busy testing out a few lyrics he doesn't notice her crawl over to him until she presses a key on the piano. She's just started to get the hang of pulling herself up into a standing position but walking is still a no go.

She looks at him out the corner of her eye to see if she's going to be told off and when Freddie grins but doesn't say anything she presses another.

"Do you want to have a go?" He chuckles lifting her onto his knee. He tells her what keys to press she does as he says taking his time to show her the basic step he then takes her hands in his playing a simple tune.

They do this for a little while playing a few different tunes until Amelia's curiosity is satisfied and she settles on his lap happy to just watch him work, occasionally pressing a random key when she feels like it.

Eventually, she gets bored and with his help, she climbs off his knee. She crawls towards the open double doors that lead out to the garden. She stops at the door sitting to watch Jim, happy that she's back on the floor Romeo curls up next to her. She babbles away to the cat as if he can understand her.

One of Jim's favourite past times is gardening, he spends most of his days off in the garden at the moment, enjoying the good summer weather.

Freddie left a section of the garden untouched so that Jim can do whatever he likes with it. Busy with his task, Jim hasn't noticed that he is being watched.

"Dada?" Amelia looks at her dad pointing to the wear Jim is.

Looking up from his notebook Freddie understands what she is asking and after making sure she's got her shoes on he nods, "Yes you can go in the garden, sweetheart, just be careful."

Crawling out the door she heads straight for Irishman, Romeo following beside her. Hearing she little shout Jim looks up smiling, "Hello darling, does daddy know your outside?"

Amelia nods tilting her head in a questioning manner much like a dog would, "Help?" she asks pointing to the gardening tools.

"You want to help me garden?" she nods and it surprises Jim that she was interested now, he'd been in the garden many times since he moved in. At the moment, however, she likes to help people with whatever they're doing.

Perhaps it's because she's growing up and trying to find her own interests, "Do you want to help me plant these flowers?"

She nods again and Jim pulls a smaller knee pillow pad out of his box of gardening tools and she sits on it. He shows her how to plant the flowers and giving her a little watering can to water them after.

She's covered in dirt and soil by the time they finish but its nothing a bath can't fix. Jim puts the tools away and carries the mucky girl upstairs.


A few days later on the 29th May, Freddie got a call from Roger informing them that Dominique had given birth to a baby girl, Rory Eleanor Taylor.

Freddie and Jim went to visit them at the hospital the next day but Amelia didn't go with them, Freddie didn't want to overwhelm them. But a week after the birth Roger brings his daughter to Garden Lodge to meet Amelia.

When Roger arrives Amelia is once again playing with Romeo making him chase the little toy mouse on the end of the cat wand, giggling as he bounces from side to side.

"Milly, sweetheart," Freddie lifting her off the floor, "Roger is here and he has someone for you to meet."

Roger puts the car seat on top of the coffee table and lifts Rory out sitting on the sofa with her cradled in his arms. Freddie sits on the seat next to him sitting Amelia between them. "Milly, this is my daughter, Rory," Roger grins readjusting his daughter so that Amelia can see her.

Tilting her head, "small," Amelia murmurs.

"You were that small not too long ago," Freddie tells her smiling at the not too distant memory.

She shyly reaches a hand out to touch Rory's hand but retracts it unsure, "It's okay," Roger assures her. Reaching out again she touches the soft skin of the baby's hand, a small giggle leaves her lips when Rory's tiny hand holds her finger.

Keeping her finger where it is Amelia looks up at her dad, "Da?"

"Yes, darling?" Freddie brushes her hair back, she needs a hair cut.

"Me sister?" she asks.

It took Freddie a moment to work out what she meant but eventually, he got it, "You want to be a sister?" She nods, he hadn't expected that "Um..." he looks between his daughter and Roger who is trying to hide a snicker.

"Maybe one day," that's the only answer he could come up with. Before Amelia, he never thought he'd have kids and the idea of having another wasn't something he considered.

Amelia moans and Roger chuckles, "Maybe you can be a sister to Rory?" She nods eagerly. Freddie mouths a thank you to the drummer hoping that she will forget about wanting to be a sister.


Freddie finally decides to get Amelia a hair cut, something she desperately needs. Her hair has grown rather quickly reaching her shoulders in soft dark curls but the hair of her fringe is getting in her eyes.

Being too young for the hairdressers, Jim agrees to do it himself since his a hairdresser anyway. Amelia sat on the countertop in the bathroom Freddie holding her still.

Jim wets her fringe cutting it to fell into its normal side parting, feathering the ends to make it lightweight and out of her eyes. He then trims the ends of her hair letting it sit just above her shoulders.

Freddie turns her to the mirror when Jim is done, "Cutest client I've ever had," Jim smiles adjusting a few bits of her hair.

"Yeah and she'll be your most picky as she gets older," Freddie chuckles, if she's anything like him, she will be a perfectionist.

Sorry for the shorter chapter guys, also not too sure why I posted this one alone but I think it's cute.

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