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I'm going all out and over the top for this chapter because if Freddie had a daughter I can imagine him doing this. This is a bucket list dream for me that I could never afford but it's a reality for this book.

The night before they left for Disney Amelia hardly slept a wink, she was too excited but honestly Freddie didn't mind because it meant that she slept through the entire flight the next day.

They landed in Paris at 10:45am and head straight for the park. Given that this would be the only real holiday that Freddie can take Amelia on, he booked the best room possible. The Sleeping Beauty suite is on a private level and it sleeps eight so they can all stay together.

Brian, Roger and John had been a bit annoyed with Freddie spending so much on the room, they were happier about now since Freddie informed them that having this room means they don't have the hassle of fans approaching them when eating because food is brought to the room.

Yes, they would have that problem in the park but that can't be helped. The closer they got to the park the more excited the girls get, they practically jumped out of the car when they arrived.

They are escorted to their room, walking into the suite you're greeted by plush sofas and chairs, coffee table, TV, a table in front of the window that sits all eight of them, though Rory only needs a high chair. There's even a grand piano.

But the star of the show is the incredible view, it looks over the entire park and the Disney castle take centre stage.

To the left are two sets of double doors at either end of the wall and the same of the right. The doors lead to separate bedrooms.

The girls squeal seeing the castle before them and Roger, Brian and John's jaws drop, "This must have cost a fortune," John mumbles.

"But Freddie is too much," Brian tells his friend almost angry at him for spending so much.

When the girls ran into the bedrooms and making sure Rory is asleep in the pushchair Roger speaks, "Why are you doing this so suddenly, mate? Why spend all this money and not let us chip in or wait until Milly is older so she can remember it better? What are you hiding?"

Sighing Freddie simply smiles, "I have my reasons and I will tell you when we get home, not before. But for now, I want us all to enjoy this holiday and not worry about money. If you want to spend money, spend it on your children. I'm certainly going to spoil my little girl." He walks into the bedroom that Amelia is calling him from leaving the others frowning at one another.

When rooms were sorted, they all have an early lunch before heading out to the park. Rory is only a year old and not old enough to enjoy the rides but she does enjoy the pretty lights and the Disney characters.

The girls went on a few rides with their dads, Freddie didn't go on any of them because he didn't feel up to it but he used the excuse that someone needed to stay with Rory and volunteered himself for that job.

A Queen fan was kind enough to take a picture of the eight in front of the castle in exchange for an autograph. Freddie adores the photo making a mental note to get a printed copy framed for Amelia.

After looking around getting an idea about the place for tomorrow they head back to their suite for dinner. The girls had an early bed ready to be up bright and early in the morning for a full day of Disney magic.


Early didn't quite happen and the four dads were happy for the lie-in so they lift the girls until they wake up themselves.

"Dad, will you help?" Amelia walks out of the room to the table where Brian, John and Freddie are already eating their breakfast.

Freddie didn't even know she was awake but here she is stood in next to him dressed as Snow White, a very cute Snow White he might add, "What do you need help with, sweetheart?"

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