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Jer took the news of being a Great Grandma ecstatically well, Amelia's interview with Lorraine went well and she gave Brianna the go-ahead for the maternity line which is set to be ready by the end of March.

That was six weeks ago and in those six weeks Amelia, Brian and Roger have been busy in the studio, yesterday saw the re-release of the first five Queen albums. They've been working on getting the single ready to be released on the 4th of April, Amelia's birthday.

Today however is about an entirely different announcement, Amelia is officially telling her friends and family about the baby. She had her 14-week scan yesterday and her baby bump has grown to much to hide it from them anymore.

With a picture of yesterday's scan photo, she sent a message to Elton, Bowie, Brianna, Rosie and Jessica saying 'My Baby Mercury, due date 10th of September.'

Elton called her within minutes of receiving the text, lightly scolding her for not telling him at the premiere but of course, he was thrilled with the news. Rosie sent her an excited text as did Brianna though she already knew and she has yet to hear from Jessica and Bowie but they are both in New York so she'll let them off.

She's going over to the Taylor's this afternoon but she's going to the Deacon's first. Pulling up outside she gets out of the car wrapping her cardigan around her front to conceal her bump for the moment and rings the doorbell. Luke answers the door leading her to the living room.

"Milly, I'm so glad to see you're safe," John is straight out of his seat and pulling her into the tightest of hugs, "When we heard about what he did I..."

She interrupts, "I know you tried as well so thank you but that's not what I'm here about." Releasing her uncle's hug she accepts Veronica's

Veronica pulls back looking Amelia up and down and the cardigan over her front did nothing to fool her, she gasps, "Are you...?"

"Yes I am," Amelia smiles sitting next to Veronica telling them everything that happened with Michael.

John sighs, "I'm so sorry I didn't try harder Milly."

"It's not your fault, I should have told Brian when he took me to the airport or dropped me off but I was naïve. I'll never forgive Michael for what he did but I did realise I was too naïve for my own good in the beginning, after that it was out of my control," She'd never condone what happened and she would never say it was a good thing but it has made her tougher.

"So is the baby Michael's?" Luke asks.

"Yes the baby is Michael's but he will never have anything to do it and I'm not going to tell him. It's not the child's fault and he or she shouldn't have to suffer and unless the child asks I won't bring up who their father is."

"So when are you due?" Veronica changes the subject, "That's what you came here to talk about."

Amelia pulls the sonogram out of her bag to show them, "I'm 14 weeks, due on the 10th of September."

"How are you feeling?" John asks taking the sonogram smiling.

"Oh loads better. Morning sickness has worn off and I have more energy again," Amelia is enjoying her pregnancy now and just wants everyone to know.

"You're glowing too," Veronica smiles remembering the feeling well.

She blushes, "Thank you, Aunt V," She looks at her watch and realises the time, "Oh I need to get going or I'm going to be late."

Veronica passes the photo back, "You know where we are if you need anything."

Getting back in the car she checks her phone receiving the replies from Jessica and Bowie both of them ecstatic and delighted for her.

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