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Some much love on the first chapter thank you guys so much, means the world to me.

The night settling Amelia in went better than they thought it would. She only woke for a feed and a change, around that Brian and Freddie got a good amount of sleep.

Freddie woke to the sound of Amelia crying, the Moses-basket that is usually reserved for other Queen children when they were babies, is stationed at the end of his bed until he can sort a nursery for her.

Romeo who spent the night curled up on his bed is now at the end of the bed looking into the basket as if trying to figure out what is wrong with her.

"You're going to have to get used to this buddy," he tells the cat lifting Amelia out of the basket he settles her in the crook of his arm and her crying ceased, "Did you just want some attention? Hum...? Is that what that noise was about?" He coos looking her over properly for the first time.

She has fine dark hair covering her head, big doe brown eyes that will prove hard to say no to as she gets older. Her skin colour almost matches his though a touch lighter. Cute button nose, rosebud lips and tiny little hands, one of which has wrapped itself around his finger. He can see much of himself in her.

Somewhere deep in his mind, he hopes her mother doesn't want her back because he wants to keep his daughter. She hasn't been in his care 24 hours yet and he already loves her with his life.

Carrying her downstairs, he finds Brian already awake, eating his breakfast in the kitchen. Joe stood by the kettle, his jaw drops seeing the bundle in Freddie's arm, "When Brian said you have a baby in the house I thought he finally lost his marbles."

"Hey!" Brian shouts in protest.

"No Brian was telling the truth. Joe meet my daughter Amelia Mercury, there's going to be some changes around the house if I can keep her." Brian takes Amelia so Freddie can eat his breakfast.

"Keep her?" Joe questions, having not been present for the conversation with the police last night. Freddie opens his mouth the speak when the gates buzzer goes off.

His assistant, Phoebe goes to answer it, "It's the police, Freddie" He informs them.

Leaving Amelia with Joe, Freddie and Brian move through to the living room to talk to the police, "Did you find her?" Freddie asks offering the officers a seat.

The two policemen eye each other, "Mr Mercury, Miss Baker was found deceased in Holland park, not ten minutes walk from here at the early hours of this morning."

"Deceased? What happened to her?" He wanted to keep Amelia of course but not at the expense of losing her mother entirely, a child needs a mum.

The first of the policeman starts reading from his notebook as the other takes a swab from the singer's mouth for the DNA test, "She was found near a tree. Our guess is that she was trying to keep warm and out of the rain but hypothermia must have set in and she just fell asleep."

"If you are in agreement, Amelia will remain in your custody Mr Mercury if these results say she is yours of course?" The second officer spoke putting the swab into a biohazard bag.

Processing the information Freddie nods in agreement, "Yes she will live with me."

"Very well we will leave you to your daughter, the results should be with you by the end of the week, good day Mr Mercury." The officers left and the two remain sat in silent.

"I need to go home and let Chrissie know what is going on but I'll come back tomorrow and help you find what you need, sort out her nursery." Brian offers wanting to support is friend the best he can.


The next few days pass by in a blur. Between Brian, Phoebe and Joe a nursery is sorted for Amelia, they get everything a baby could need and Brian shows Freddie everything he needed to know. Brian agreed not to say anything to the others until he got the results of the test back.

A week after Amelia's unexpected arrival Freddie is in the nursery giving his daughter her last feed before bed when the phone goes. Hearing Phoebe answer it downstairs he continues with his task.

Amelia just finishes the last of her bottle when Phoebe appears at the nursery door, "It's the police Freddie."

Nodding Freddie transfers his daughter on to his shoulder burping her as he heads downstairs and picks up the phone, "Freddie Mercury speaking."

"Good evening Mr Mercury, I'm sorry to call so late but we have the test results."

"And what are they? Is she my daughter?" He prays she is because he couldn't bear the thought of giving her up now.

"The results match, Amelia Mercury is your biological daughter. We'll sort the paperwork from this end stating that she is official in you custody if that is still your wish?"

Smiling he rubs a finger over her soft cheek as she dozes on his shoulder her tiny hand fisted in his shirt, Freddie knows how big a change this is but he will make it work, "Yes I still want her, thank you."


Freddie is busy working away in the music room the next morning, Amelia in her bouncy chair watching him. When the front door opens, "Freddie?" He has invited the band over to meet his daughter.

He smiles at Amelia hearing Brian's voice, "Music room lovie." This will be fun.

Amelia is paying no mind, Romeo has made himself comfortable in the bouncy chair next to her and she is playing with his fur.

Footsteps get closer and he stands to greet them when Brian enters the room followed by Dominique, Roger, Chrissie, John and Veronica.

"Bloody hell Fred, I thought Brian was joking," Roger exclaims.

"Roger," Dominique tuts crouching down to coo at the little girl, "No bad language in front of the baby."

Veronica crouches as well picking Amelia up out of her chair, "Freddie she's adorable and the imaged of you. Does she have a name?"

"Amelia May Mercury," He smiles.

"Oh a pretty name for a gorgeous little girl," She coos at the girl and Amelia giggles.

"Brian told us about her Mother," Chrissie starts also cooing at the child, "it's so sad, but if you need anything you know where to find us."

"I do, thank you, Chrissie."

Being surrounded by so many people Amelia becomes fussy Freddie intended to step in but Roger steps in first to have his turn at holding her.

The little girl is immediately fascinated by his necklaces trying to gum them, the blonde hums in amusement brushing the wisps of hair back from her face talking softly to her, "I think you need a nickname, what do you think? How about Milly?"

Her little nose scrunching up into a cute yawn, "see you're boring her already," John taunts looking over the drummer's shoulder, "It's my turn to hold her," not giving Roger a choice, he takes Amelia from his arms cooing softly.

Amelia gets passed from person to person, something Freddie had anticipated but he hadn't planned that she would dub Brian as her favourite uncle.

He's certain no one but himself realised it but as she gets passed around she always ends up reaching back for himself or Brian whoever is closest, when she's had enough.

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