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It's late October and Amelia is spending the day at Brian's giving Freddie the day to help Jim move into Garden Lodge. Freddie asked him to move in a couple of months ago and only now he's found the time to move.

Louisa is out having a girls day with Chrissie. Jimmy adores Amelia and sees her as another little sister so he's spending the day helping his dad look after her.

Brian had placed Amelia on the floor for tummy time on her play mat, asking Jimmy to keep an eye on her while he makes them some lunch.

"Dad!" Jimmy calls from the living room.

"What is it Champ?" Brian carries on cutting the fruit in front of him.

"You have to come and see this," Putting the knife down, Brian wipes his hands on the tea towel walking into the living room.

Jimmy is lying on the floor in front of Amelia playing with her toys to get her to interact, "she can roll over on her own, look!" Taking the rattle he shakes it in a circle over her head and Amelia follows it reaching out for it rolling onto her back.

Jimmy does the circle again and she rolls onto her front, "See!" he exclaims.

"That's brilliant, Jimmy. Give it a couple of months and she'll be crawling. Then we'll have the fun job of keeping an eye on where she is," Brian grins lifting Amelia off the floor, "Aren't you clever, hum? Now I think it's time for some lunch."

He settles her in the high chair while Jimmy washes his hands, Amelia's first teeth have started to grow in so every day Freddie has been giving her new soft foods to try. Brian has mashed down some strawberries for her to try today.

She wouldn't touch the strawberries at first, eyeing the red mess suspiciously. So Brian holds a small spoonful in front of her mouth letting her sniff it and taste a little bit.

Once she tastes it, she loves it grabbing the spoon from his hand. Giving her the spoon, her hand-eye coordination with the spoon is getting better but they have to keep an eye on her.

He puts the bowl in front of her so she can reach it and lets her get stuck in, which in hindsight probably wasn't the best idea.

She gives up on the spoon after missing her mouth twice and sticks her hands in eating it that way, she'll need a bath after but being a child is about, getting mucky.

Talking to his son, Brian took his concentration away from Amelia until Jimmy notices her and starts giggling, "Dad, I think she needs a bath."

Babbling to herself Amelia having finished with the bowl is now wearing it on her head chuckling Brian takes it off, "Have you quite finished, little miss?"

"Ah," Amelia shouts taking the bowl back pointing at it.

"You want some more? Is that what you're telling me?" Brian coos making her clap excitedly, "I'm sorry darling but I can't, it will give you a bad tummy."

Amelia pouts pointing at the bowl again, "No, no more Milly," He repeats, she huffs scowling, "come on I think you need a bath before nap time."

That, however, is not what she wants. She's got better at having baths but only with Freddie because he sings and unfortunately, Amelia understands what the word bath time means.

Shouting in protest as Brian picks her upstairs, her shouts turn to cries when he enters the bathroom and starts filling the baby bathtub.

She grips tightly to his shirt and he first tries prying hands off but it makes her cries louder. He stops to think, her grip on his shirt isn't just tight her hands are knuckle white gripped, her breathing rapid, the whimpering and he suddenly remembers what Freddie said, "Idiot," he mutters to himself.

Hashing her, he rubs soothing circles onto her back, "It's okay, the water can't hurt you, sweetpea." He knows Freddie mentioned about the singing but Brian wants to help her overcome her fear.

Her grip loosens and she looks at him scared, "It's alright look," he swishes his hand through the water letting it drip from his fingers and Amelia watches. When she reaches for his hand Brian takes her small one and dips it into the water repeating his actions.

Once she is comfortable he baths her getting rid of the sticky strawberry juice.


A few days later Freddie is at the doctor's with Amelia to get her vaccines up to date. But that's easier said than done this is Amelia's other fear, she doesn't like needles still this jab needs doing and can't be put off any longer.

The nurse calls him in where Amelia's doctor is waiting, greeting them with a smile, "Good afternoon Mr Mercury."

"Afternoon Doctor Melrose," He returns a friendly smile.

"I understand that Amelia isn't too fond of needles so I will make this as quick and painless as possible," Doctor Melrose assures him turning her attention to Amelia, "Hello Amelia, would you like my torch?" She hands the little girl the light from her pocket showing her how to switch it on and off.

Fascinated, Amelia takes it pressing the button repeatedly and as with most things at the moment, checks to see if it's edible. While distracted Dr Melrose wipes the area on the girl's arm with numbing cream, tying the band around the arm.

Freddie holds the arm still while getting Amelia to follow the light around the room, she giggles grabbing it back with her free hand unaware of the syringe in Dr Melrose's hand.

It's not until the sharp scratch of the needle going in, that Amelia notices it. The look of betrayal in her eyes when Freddie's gaze meets hers makes him feel like the worst dad in the world.

She cries and whimpers trying to pull her arm away but Freddie keeps his hold firm so the doctor can do her work.

When Melrose removes the band Freddie holds her close, "Look it's gone now, there's no need to be scared." He wipes away her tears pulling from his pocket a small packet of chocolate buttons.

He doesn't like to overindulge her with chocolate except on occasion and this is one of those occasions. "You'll be glad to know that she now needs no more jabs until her boosters in a couple of years," Melrose informs him and he leaves the doctors office.

Sorry for the shorter chapter guys and sorry if this chapter is a bit boring, I'm trying to create as many moments for Amelia with Freddie as I can before the dried chapter.

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