Father's Day

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Do you ever get the feeling your being watch?

Well, Freddie has that feeling right now. Queen is now in Belgium enjoying a day off before their next concert tomorrow night.

Freddie was enjoying a lie-in in bed but as he woke laying on his front a shiver ran down his spine, that feeling of someone watching you.

The other thing he notices is that Jim's side of the bed is cold, frowning he opens and rolls over jumping nearly a mile to see Amelia stood next to the bed.

Ignoring the fact that she's just given her dad a near heart attack, Amelia climbs up onto the bed with Freddie's help to settle on top of his chest cuddling into him, "How did you get out of that crib?"

"That would be my doing," Jim smiles sheepishly from the bathroom doorway, "I figure she could wake you up since it's fathers day. She's been stood there for 5 minutes waiting for you to wake."

"Yes, I could feel her burning hole into my back but I was preparing myself for the heart attack I got when I rolled over," Freddie sits up against the headboard his daughter still hugging him.

"Dada Day!" she mutters into his neck.

"Yes I know it's father's day, does that mean I get presents? I do hope so," He grins kissing her hair.

"Yes!" she clambers off the bed to Jim's suitcase. Pushing himself off the door frame Jim unzips the front zip of his case letting her pull out a wrapped box and a card.

Climbing back onto the bed Amelia passes Freddie his gift and cuddles into his side this time. Pulling the ribbon off the box he lifts the lid and inside the box a leather bracelet with a silver plaque engraved with the words 'World's Best Daddy' on one side.

Smiling Freddie kisses her hair again, "I love it, thank you, my angel. I shall wear it with pride." After sharing cuddles for a while longer they get ready for the day.

Taking advantage of the hot weather they decided to spend the day on the private beach attached to their hotel.

Being Amelia's first time at the beach, you'd think that Freddie would be the most excited about the idea but no, the most excited is Roger.

As soon as they find a good spot on the beach Roger starts showing Amelia how to build a sandcastle. They built a proper castle with a fort and a moat, Brian helps her to find lots of little shells to decorate it with.

Roger took her down to the water and they splash each other Amelia's laughter making the others smile. He carries her back to her beach towel when John comes back with ice cream.

John passes her the little tub deciding a tub would be less messy than a cone, "Don't eat it to quickly or you'll get a brain..."

"Ow," The warning falls on deaf ears as she groans clutching her forehead. Once it passes she quickly takes another bit.

After eating their ice cream, John takes her over to the rock pools. He tells her everything he knows about what they find, which isn't a lot but to her, it's mind-blowing.

She jumps back into John's lap when something crawls over her foot, "Pider!" she squeals wrapping her arms around his neck.

"No, no, it's a crab, not a spider," John smiles corrects her, "See the hard shell on it's back and it's pincers, and a spider only has eight legs but a crab has ten."

"Crab?" she repeats letting go to settle in his lap, "No Pider?"

"No spider," John confirms giving her a toothy grin.

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