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When her stuff is unpacked, Anita and Amelia head downstairs to start baking. Brian gets out the stool for Amelia so she can reach the side and leaves them to it, needing to make a phone call.

They decided to make a big Victoria sponge cake and some chocolate cupcakes. Anita weighs out the ingredients for the cupcakes then gives the bowl to Amelia to stir the mixture together, "Your very good at that, love. Have you baked before?"

"Yes, I bake all the time with Grandma and with Joe too sometimes," Amelia huffs putting all her effort into stirring.

"That's the best way to learn," Anita grins weighing out the ingredients for the bigger cake, "I learnt to bake with my mum when I was little, it was our thing that we always did together. She used to bake with me and sew with my sister. But do you know my favourite thing to do with my mum?"

"What?" She bounces on the balls of her feet handing the bowl over, "I think this is ready."

Anita takes the cake mixture checking its smooth before dividing it between the cupcake holds, "My mum would save up her money and twice a year she would take me and my sister to the theatre to see a musical. I loved them, the lights, the costumes and the music."

"Not been to one," Amelia takes the second mixture and stirs it.

"Oh you'd love it, your dad loves musicals but Brian hates them. I'm trying to change his mind though."

"What do I hate?" Brian smiles coming back into the kitchen.

"Musicals, love," she replies laughing when he rolls his eyes.

"Never liked them and never will," He grumbles.

"We'll see about that," Amelia tells him matter-of-factly giving Anita a high five.

He smiles at her suspiciously, "Are you two going to gang up on me because it won't work," he sings the last few words walking back out the room.

The two continue to bake and after stopping for some lunch, they started decorating the cakes. Brian purposely left them to do it alone to see how well they got on and by the sound of the laughter coming from the kitchen, he doesn't need to worry.


Later that evening after dinner Brian took Amelia to the phone so she could ring her dad before bed. He dials the number waiting for someone to pick up, "Hello Mercury residence."

He'd recognise that Irish accent anywhere, "Hiya Jim, it's Brian. I've got Milly next to me who wants to say goodnight to Freddie?"

"Oh hi, Brian, would you mind calling back and I'll get Freddie to answer the phone upstairs?"

Doing as Jim asks he hangs up and redials the number, Freddie picks it up this time, "Hello lovie, how is my angel? Is she behaving herself?"

"She always does but she wanted to call before going to bed, shall I put her on?" He waits for an answer then passes the phone to Amelia stepping out of the room to give them some privacy.

"Daddy?" she grins down the phone though he can't see it.

"Hello my angel, are you having a good time?"

"Yes me and Anita made you cake I'll bring you some tomorrow. Anita told me about musical theatre can we go to one?"

Freddie chuckles as she spouts out so much in one breath, "I look forward to the cake. As for the theatre, I think that's a wonderful idea since it was Anita's idea we'll have to invite her along. Do you like Anita sweetheart?"

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