Baptism of Fire

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Filming starts in a week and they are starting with the biggest scene of the film, live aid. Right now though Amelia, Brian and Roger are at the production studio's where Rami, Ben, Joe and Gwilym have spent the last two months rehearsing and learning their instruments.

Brian is in with Gwilym, Roger is in with Ben and Rami is with his piano teacher so Amelia goes to find Joe. She feels a little sorry for him, Gwilym and Ben have Brian and Roger to learn from for their parts Rami has learnt from her and the others but Joe hasn't had that one to one. Brian and Roger have given him lots of information and answered his questions.

Finding the room he's in she knocks lightly as she opens the door, "Mind if I come in?"

"Not all, I'd love the company," Joe smiles looking up from the bass in his lap, gesturing for her to take the empty seat across from him.

"How are you finding it?"

"Good, my bass teacher has been a huge help I've got the important songs nailed except for one bit on Another One Bites the Dust. I can't get it, annoyingly it's a part I need to play in the movie."

"Show me," She knows the basics of the bass guitar. He shows to part of the rift he's struggling with and she helps him correct it, "That help?"

"Yes thank you."

"I'm sorry Deaky isn't involved. I'd take you to meet him if I could but I do have this," She pulls out the note John asked her to give Joe, "I went to see him earlier in the week and he asked me to give you this."

Taking the note Joe reads it: Hi Joe, congratulations on getting the role. I'm confident that Brian and Roger have picked the right person and Amelia assures me you are.

Good luck lining those basslines I have left an easy task for you and I apologise for that.

My email is on the reverse of this paper, if you have any questions I'd be more than happy to answer them, I won't be at the premiere but I will buy the film the moment it's release.

Sorry, I'm not involved but know that you have my full blessing and support.

John Deacon

"Thank you, Milly. It means a lot that you did that and thank you for helping me with the rift, you're a lifesaver," They chat for a while, she helps him with any information she can think of on John Deacon.


Arriving on the set of live aid Amelia got chills just looking at the set, the stage is huge and a perfect replica. Showing the crew member her pass he directs her to where she can park.

Walking around the back of the set another crew member points her in the right direction of the stage, the BoRhap boys are all there except Rami.

"Morning," She calls holding out the trays of coffee cups, "Shouldn't you boys be in hair and make-up?"

"Oh thank god coffee! You're an angel," Joe cries dramatically taking his cup.

"Rami already is and we're going in a moment," Gwilym take his cup with a grateful smile.

"Hey Milly," Ben grabs his cup and wraps an arm over her shoulder, "Do you know why a perm is called a perm?"

"Yeah everyone knows that," She frowns getting the feeling she missing part of this story.

"Not everyone apparently. Joe got his perm yesterday and what was it he said Gwil?"

"This washes out in a couple of day right?" Gwilym imitates his voice perfectly.

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