Saying Goodbye

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In the three days between Freddie's passing and the funeral, things didn't go well. The funeral director had asked Jim and Amelia what they wanted Freddie cremated in and they gave everything except the bracelet Amelia got him for father's day because she couldn't find it.

She had a complete and utter meltdown the day before the funeral frantically looking everywhere but it's nowhere to be seen. Freddie had asked that he was cremated with his wedding ring to Jim on his finger and Amelia wanted the bracelet on his wrist. Eventually, they had to give up, it was hopeless.

The morning of the funeral she'd forgotten about the bracelet and was silent, dressed in her black dress brought for today, a yellow ribbon in her hair since it was her dad's favourite colour.

But she wouldn't talk to anyone, she just sat at the top of the stairs silent tears rolling down her cheeks holding Romeo close to her chest. The only sound to be heard from her was the occasional sniffle, her whole world felt like it was in a state of limbo.

She didn't move from her spot until the funeral car arrived and without being asked by anyone, she left the cat at the top of the stairs and padded down to stand beside Jim. Without asking she slips her hand into Jim's seeking the comfort and warmth she missed from her dad.

She hasn't quite taken to the fact that Brian is her guardian now but the guitarist takes no offence by it, he knows this is going to be a hard transition for both of them. To make things worse camera's and reports ask questions at her, taking pictures as they leave the safe walls of Garden Lodge.

Her silence continues throughout the day. She hid her face from the cameras trying to catch a glimpse of her and sat quietly between Jim and Brian during the service leaning into Jim's side.

Amelia was given her dad's ashes, left with the instructions to scatter them in the place that has a special meaning to both of them. Besides herself, the only other person to know the location is Terry because he gave her a lift there but he promised he'd never tell a soul.

The scene back at Garden Lodge is touching, fans have left messages and flowers lining the wall around the mansion. Though the flower would sadly have to be moved eventually they decided to leave them there for the time being as long as they don't spill onto the road.

Joe made Amelia her favourite meal, giving Brian the recipe telling him that she wouldn't go without it. But still, she says nothing except a small 'night' before she goes upstairs.

Brian and Anita are staying at the Lodge until Amelia is ready to move, they don't want to push her. Brian passes her room on his way to the spare room and stops at the door to Amelia's bedroom. There's a small gap, he peeks through it and finds her sobbing into Romeo fur.

He doesn't want her to suffer alone but her doesn't want to invade her space either, "He's really gone, Romeo," she whispers.

Taking a chance he gently pushes the door open, not wanting to startle her, and kneels in front of her bed brushing some hair out of her face. She meets his eyes and breaks, an intense wave of new sobs shakes her small body, Brian holds her letting her cry into his shoulder.

Her hands grip his shirt tightly unwilling to let go, after a while he removes his shoes and lies on her bed with Amelia on his chest. She wasn't going to let go and he wouldn't make her, he's just thankful she doesn't have a toddler bed anymore. They stay like that drifting off for the night.


Those that needed to be present for the Will arrived at Garden Lodge the next afternoon. And those people include Freddie's parents and sister, Brian, Roger, John, Mary, Jim, Terry, Phoebe, Joe and Amelia.

Miami read through the items that have been left for Brian, Roger and John. "I also leave Brian with the guardianship of my daughter, Amelia May Mercury but ask that both Roger and Deaky help to guide her through life as well." Though Freddie's not there to see it the three nod anyway.

"To Mary, Terry, Peter and Joe, I leave you a sum of £100000 each. I leave Jim £500000 plus our cottage in Ireland. Then to my family, Jer, Bomi and Kash I leave them half of my Queen royalties. Everything else is left to Amelia, the Lodge, my fortune, the other half of my Queen royalties and the cats. Any questions?" Miami asks the group.

"What happens to the house and money in the meantime? I'm guessing she has to be of a certain age to access the money and live in the Lodge," Brian asks looking down at Amelia who is leaning into him, oblivious as to the real meaning of owning her father's earnings and home. Freddie left it that way so she would be set for life, it's his way of making sure she is looked after without him.

"Yes, for the Lodge she has to be at least 18 before living here but anything that needs to be done with the house goes through her and yourself, Brian. As for the money it is set up as an account in her name, Freddie's remaining fortune is already in there and any future Queen royal will go straight in as well. Freddie agreed that until she is 16 the account will be under withdrawal freeze then from that age she has to ask you or me before money can be used or withdrawn. Once she then turns 18 and it will be hers in full."

"And what of the cats?" Jim loved the cats of course and they were Freddie's children as much as Amelia is but even he sees that Brian probably doesn't want eight cats in his house, "I know Freddie wouldn't like splitting them up but..."

"What if we split them up in the family?" Amelia pipes up, "So there not completely split up."

"What did you have in minds," Roger thought aloud, he has an idea of what she means.

"Well, Uncle Rog you said a little while ago that Rory and Felix wanted a pet? Why not Miko? Rory loves him." She turns to John, "Same with you Uncle Deaky, you said Laura wanted a cat? She loves Lily."

John smiles lightly, the first one anyone has seen in weeks, "I don't think Ronnie would mind that, it's a smart idea."

"I agree," Roger smiles too, "that's three down assuming that your taking Romeo with you?"

"Yes I said she could and I don't mind one more, Oscar maybe?" Brian offers. Amelia nods happier that she doesn't have to lose all her cat siblings.

"I'll take Dorothy and Delilah?" Jim chips in. He's the only other person besides Freddie that Delilah likes. Mary happily has Tiffany and Kash has Goliath.


Brian felt lost, with the loss of his best friend it means he is now Amelia's legal guardian. He's okay with that but he hasn't a clue what to do, she going through the toughest time in her life and he doesn't know how to help her.

He thought it would be like looking after his own children but the difference is that he knows everything about his children. He knows their bed routines, their likes and dislikes, their fears and hobbies. He knows that Jimmy has to sleep in complete darkness with the door closed, Louisa has to have a sliver of light through the door while Emily just has a night light with the door closed too.

They are the little things that make you their parent but he doesn't know that stuff about Amelia, he knows a couple of things, she hates spiders and thunder, she can't sleep without Teddy and she loves the theatre and music but that's it. Tonight will be Amelia's last night at Garden Lodge and he is just as scared about the future as she is.


As you know it is Christmas week, you will definitely have an update on Christmas Eve and Boxing day but if I have time, would you like one on Christmas day too? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!

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