Home Again

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The Taylor's are at Brian's for Christmas 2011 and on Christmas morning Amelia got up when Freddie woke to be fed then after feeding him they went back upstairs to get ready for the day.

She dresses him in a reindeer onesie and sits him in front of her mirror with cushions around him.

At 3 and a half months old Freddie has mastered sitting up with support. He's also become fascinated with his reflection and likes to smile and wave at himself. Prince of course is curled up next to him to make sure he doesn't hurt himself.

Freddie's much more alert throughout the day since his night feeds have been cut down to just one meaning that Amelia is getting more sleep and is more alert too. His eye colour has settled into a chocolate brown matching hers.

She stood in front of the mirror adjusting her top and smiles noting Freddie is watching her, "What you think Freddie? Does mummy look okay?" He claps and smiles, a happy squeal to go with it, "Thank you, baby." She lifts him off the floor and goes back downstairs.

"Oh good someone is ready for his first Christmas," Anita smile sat in the living room with Brian ready to open presents, coffee in hand.

"He's been up nearly an hour and he's been smiling at himself in the mirror again," Amelia sits on the floor in front of the large pile of presents, Freddie sat in her lap.

"Hmm... that sounds like your dad," Brian chuckles putting the paper away, "Right, let's get started or we'll never be finished before Roger gets here." He was right they sat for an hour and a half opening presents.

Following that Amelia set Freddie down in his Moses basket for a nap while cleaning up the paper, fighting Prince for the ribbon, Brian and Anita get started on the food.

"So I was thinking..." Amelia joined them in the kitchen helping to peel and chop up the veg, "That next year maybe we could do Christmas at the Lodge."

Anita puts the turkey in the oven and nods, "That would be a lovely idea."

"I know it's next year but Christmas has been between here and Roger's for the past ten years and it would be a nice change. Brian, what do you think?" Amelia loved Christmases at the Lodge when she was younger and she wants Freddie to experience it too.

"I agree with Anita, as you say it would be a nice change. We'll ask Roger what he thinks later," Brian finished his sentences as the front door opens, he puts the potatoes into a saucepan then goes to greet Roger. Amelia finishes the last of the veg then checks on Freddie.

Once Freddie is awake again Rory is the first to steal him for a cuddle and a babble conversation.

To say Freddie was spoilt on Christmas day is an understatement, he got enough toys, baby books and clothes to last him until he's one.

New Year's Eve was quiet since Freddie caught a cold, Doctor Melrose check him over saying he would be fine and prescribed Calpol but he still gave Amelia a week's worth of restless nights.


Once Freddie is back to full health it's moving day. Rory is looking after Freddie and Prince for the morning at her flat so that Brian, Roger, Amelia and Anita can get everything packed and over to the Lodge without worrying where they are.

When everything is unpacked and ready to go, Amelia messaged Rory to bring them over, "I thought might be too big for just you and Freddie but with the renovations, it feels a lot more homely," Roger comments looking around the living room.

"I know my dad loved all the antiques and such but that's not me and I would worry about Freddie playing as he gets older and knocking something over or Prince even. You don't think dad would mind?"

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