His Parents

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Filming the concert scenes kept the boys busy for the next two weeks, they had several to do including the Madison Square Garden and Rock in Rio. Because of that Gwilym hardly had time to move in properly.

It's now the end of those two weeks and midway through November. Ben is helping Gwilym to move his stuff across while Rami is filming a scene with Lucy and Joe is on a date with Rosie.

Amelia is helping too, well she was but now she's sat on the living room floor looking through one of the photo albums she found in Gwilym's cupboard, "Do you always get distracted this easily?" Gwilym shakes his head smiling.

"Only when it comes to tidying up," She mutters absent-mindedly flipping to the next page, "Whenever I used to tidy my bedroom I was one of those kids that finds something they forgot they had and sits there playing with it for the next half hour. You were a cute kid," She grins holding up a photo of him around the age of five with a man and a woman she assumes is his parents.

"Yeah and then he grew up. What happened Gwil?" Ben teased carrying a box over to the door.

"He grew up and become an entirely different form of cute," Amelia defends her boyfriend and Gwilym snickers looking over his shoulder at Ben in a that told you manner.

Standing she puts the album in the box and continues working, they take everything down to the cars and drive to the Lodge

"Right that's everything from my car," Ben tells them setting the last box down in the hallway.

"Thanks for the help mate," Gwilym gives him a quick one-arm hug, "See you on Monday."

Suddenly remembering there's something she wanted to ask Ben, Amelia hurries after him, "Ben, hold up."

He stops turning back to her, "What's up?"

"How are things going with Brie?"

Ben smiles sheepishly, "She told you?"

"Of course she did. She's my best mate, do you like her?" She knows Brianna is already smitten but she doesn't want her friend to get her heart broken if Ben isn't on the same page.

"It's strange, she's different from my usual type and I've only known her a couple of months but I can already picture a life with her. I'm ready to tell her I love her and ask her to be my girlfriend but I don't want her to think it's too quick."

"She won't. I could tell you her dream date? You could use it to ask her."

"I'm listening."

"Icing skating at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. If you didn't know already she's an old romantic."

He nods thinking it over, "I shall keep it in mind, cheers I owe you one."

"Just don't break her heart and that enough for me." Nodding again he gets in the car and drives away.

"I think I need to set you my own matchmaking service," She laughs joining Gwilym in the hall, "Because I've given dating advice to Joe, Brianna and Ben now. I'm hoping the next one is Rami and Lucy."

"I'm pretty sure they'll be dating by the time we finish filming in January. Oh, I was meant to say," Gwilym interrupts his train of thought as they start unpacking the boxes, "My mum and dad are coming up tomorrow staying in London for a couple of days and they want to meet you."

Amelia almost dropped the box she was carrying upstairs, "Me?" She hadn't expected that.

Following behind her he nods, "Yes, I told them about the break-in and moving in with you. Mum can't wait to meet you."

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