Meeting the Family

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*Suggested smut warning*

Amelia woke to her phone ringing the next morning, picking it up she expected it to be Michael but is surprised to read Brianna's name on the screen, "Hi Brie, what's up?" She answers her voice thick with sleep.

"Oh sorry did I wake you? It's 10 o'clock I thought you might be up."

"No it's fine, I had a late-night is all," She gets out of bed going through to the kitchen to make breakfast, "Was there something you wanted? You don't usually call this early."

"Yes!" Excitement oozed through the phone from her friend, "You've done it again. America loved the dress, London Glamour Magazine wants to get my second line out asap and get this, New York Glamour wants to release the line there too. They..."

"Oh hold on, that's my front door," Amelia opens the front door and on the other side are her parents. She waves them in, "Sorry continue Brie."

"New York and London are going to publish my second line in their magazines on a double spread, New York and London will sort out advert space too."

"That's incredible, Brie. America will love your work and your dress business will be even busier then it is already, you might need an assistant though," Amelia makes Brian and Anita a coffee while she talks.

"I already have one she's only part-time at the moment that's why you didn't see her when your we're here but at this rate, she is going to be full time. Now I've rung you to ask you for a favour or offer you a job?"

"I can't sew to save my life, don't offer me a job," Amelia puts Prince's breakfast down then finishes her own.

"I know that, no I need a model. London and New York have said if you agree to be my advert model I will get a front-page feature to advertise my dress business too. You've helped me make my career and I'd like you to be my brands, official model"

She nearly choked on her coffee, "Bloody hell Brie what an opportunity, but I'm no model especially not a front-page one."

"You won't be the only model in the double-page spreads but the front covers will be just you. London wants their front cover to be you in the We Will Rock You premiere dress and New York is the Tony Awards dress. Will you do it? You'll be paid of course and you said you're looking to do something different," Brianna's pleading tone wins Amelia over.

"Fine but do I need to go to New York? Also, I'm not sure if the We Will Rock You dress will fit anymore," She's grown taller since then and filled out in the chest area a bit more.

"No, New York is sending their photographer and so are London if you can be here next Monday morning? As for the dress, I can stop by later today pick it up and adjust it."

"Yeah okay, I'll see you later," She waits for Brianna's reply and hung up, "Bloody hell I'm popular this morning and I've only been up 15 minutes. I assume you're here to interrogate me?" She looks at her parents who are now sat on her sofa.

"We came to make sure you were still alive and hadn't been raped or kidnapped," Brian raises an eyebrow.

Amelia and Anita roll their eyes at the same time, "I did try to leave without him," Anita tells her fussing Prince, "How was the date? Are you seeing him again?"

"It was great and yes. He said he'd call at some point today and we'll sort something. But you," Amelia points to Brian, "Need to learn that I am 24, not 4. Yes, I should have messaged you to say I was home safe but I'm not going to do that after every date, I had a lovely time and I like him."

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