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Warning contains dark content

Waking up the next morning Amelia felt like her body as been hit by a train, now that she's relaxed she can feel the bruises, achy bones and wounds on her back and legs.

She's still in the clothes from last night though her jumper has been removed, sitting up her body screams at her, Pain! Tired! Hungry!

Stripping out of her clothes she puts on some comfy pyjamas and her dressing gown before venturing out of her room and downstairs, "Morning," She whispers entering the kitchen.

Brian pulls her into a tight hug, "Thank god you're safe."

"Do you want anything to eat?" Anita asks, even under the clothes she can see how much weight Amelia has lost.

"Just something small, please. I haven't had a proper meal in a while so my stomach might not agree with me," She sits on the chair at the table and she bites back the cry her legs screaming at her, "What happened after I fell asleep last night?"

"The police came and arrested Michael. Someone from the police is coming over this morning to talk to you about what happened and build up a case," Anita puts the plate in front of her.

"Thank you. A case?" She frowns nibbling at the toast.

"Yes Milly," Brian frowns, anger with himself for not seeing that she needed help, "Michael abused you and he will go to prison for it. Miami will be your layer so he will be here as well to get the details. Can we get an explanation?"

"I'd rather do it all at once so would you mind waiting until the police person comes?" She winces as she shifts in the chair.

Anita has to bite back her tears, seeing her daughter trying to hide her pain from them break her heart. "Milly, you can stand if you're in pain, love."

Standing she leans her elbows against the kitchen counter, the only comfortable position for her at the moment, "There are no grandchildren here is there? I don't want them seeing me like this or here what he did."

"No their not here. But Roger is coming over, he's been as worried about you as we have so I had to tell him you were safe." There is a knock on the door making Amelia jump but Brian quickly reassures her, "It's alright Milly. Michael's locked away, it's probably the police."

It was Miami and Roger arriving at the same time. Upon seeing her Roger pulls Amelia into a tight hug but she whimpers when he touches her back, "Sorry," He frowns anger boiling in his veins.

She smiles tiredly, "It's not your fault." Gently he pulls her back into the hug, he can feel how much weight she's lost and the bruises are easy to see.

Shortly after the police arrive, "I am DCI Brookes," The woman greets Amelia. Brookes is a tall woman, short blonde hair, late 40s and softly spoken though firm, "I'm working on your case, Miss Mercury. This is your lawyer?"

"Yes I'm Jim Beach," Miami introduces himself. When Miami heard about the dress fitting with Brianna he, like Brian, wanted nothing more than to call the police so getting the news last night that she was home safe was a huge relief.

They go through to the living room and she gets out a voice recorder, "This is going to be on during our chat but forget its there. It's to record anything that myself or Jim might miss while writing and we can review it to build a solid case against Michael. Are you happy for everyone here to stay present?"

Amelia nods taking the comfiest armchair in the room, "It's fine."

"Now I realise that you've been through a lot and the last thing you want to do is talk about it but if we can get enough evidence you should only have to tell it once," Brookes puts the recorder on the coffee table between them.

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