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Amelia enjoys her one to one sessions with Miss Davenport and today is the last one. Climbing up the stairs to the principal's office and knocks on the door, "Come in!"

Pushing the door open she takes her normal seat on the comfy chair in the corner while Miss Davenport moves from her seat at the desk and takes the other one opposite, "Hi Milly, how are you feeling about coming to the end of your school education? Do you feel ready for the world?"

"I think so," Amelia shrugs, "I'm nervous because I know finding the first job can be hard but I'm ready."

"Good," Miss Davenport smiles warmly, "Those two awards must have been a shock to you."

"Yes, I'd forgotten about them if I'm honest, I was so busy concentrating on everything else," Amelia did her vote for the Student Peer Award but after that, she concentrated on exams and performing.

"That's not a bad thing, it shows that when you're given a task you are committed and you won't let something else distract you. That gives me great confidence to place this offer on the table for you." Miss Davenport turns back to her desk grabbing booklet off the table.

"What's that?" Amelia frowns.

"Yesterday I was approached by some of the recruiters that were watching the showcase, they were offers for other students too but the offer for you is a role with the National Theatre of Wale company."

"Wales?" She's never been to Wales.

"Yes but here my out, the role is a short contract but a big on. You have a months training, starting in August and opening night is the beginning of September through to New Year's Eve. Accommodation can be provided if you can't sort your own. There is a matinee performance on Christmas Eve at the Millennium Centre but then your off for the rest of Christmas until your last performance on the 31st again at the Millennium centre."

Four months isn't so bad and she can get that taste of full independence, living alone in a new city, "What's the role?"

Miss Davenport smiles knowing what this can do for her career, "Belle in Beauty and the Beast and before you ask it's not a pantomime."

Amelia nearly chokes on her water, "But that's the lead role! They do know I'm only 17 right?"

"Of course they know, that's why I said it was a big gig. I know it's not the West End but this is a five-month contract and it will look good on your CV, this way you get a taste of being on stage, getting used to how things work before looking for something bigger. What do you think?"

She knows Miss Davenport would never suggest something that would hurt her career, "I think it's a yes but can I talk to my family about it first? They always help me make the right decisions."

"Yes you go home tomorrow night so talk it through with them but they need your answer by Sunday. If this helps your decision, the company director, she was quite keen to have you. I believe you can do this role and I think it will be the kick start you need to get your career off the ground. These two booklets are the contract and script."

To know that a director is keen to have her in their production is a boost to her confidence, "I promise, you'll have my decision on Friday."

Taking the booklet from Miss Davenport, Amelia stands, "Thank you for all your help while I've been here Miss, it's helped my confidence."

"Your welcome. Your talented Milly, you have a strong head on your shoulders and a good heart, just don't let the industry stamp on it. I know you went through a tough time before coming here and I could never begin to imagine the pain you must have felt to lose your dad but I'm sure he is proud of you. You let me know when opening night is and I will be there," Smiling Amelia left the office heading back to the dorm.

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