Boy or Girl?

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Sadly Anita couldn't go with Amelia to her 20-week scan, she's busy filming. Amelia doesn't mind though, it means she can surprise both her parents with the gender.

Lying back on the table her midwife, Megan, moves the wand across her bump checking everything is as it should be, "Heartbeats nice and strong, your little ones growing nicely. Have you felt any movement or kicking yet?"

"No kicking but I have felt a swirling or fluttering," Amelia loves the feeling.

The midwife smiles typing it into the system, "Good, that's perfectly normal, you should start to feel some kicking within the next week or so. Did you want to know the gender?"

Amelia nods excited to know, "Oh, yes please."

"You are having..." Megan concentrates on the screen clicking a few times, "A boy, congratulations," She turns the screen for Amelia to see her baby.

"A boy," Amelia repeats beaming, "I said to my mum I had a feeling it was a boy."

"That's the mother's intuition kicking in," Megan grins, "Photos?"

"Just two, please," After she takes the picture Amelia sits up wiping the remaining gel off.

"Any questions before you go?"

She was going to say no but then she remembered the premiere, "Yes. I have a premiere in New York on the 30th of May, I'll be flying out on the 28th of May and coming back on the 1st of June. Am I okay to fly?"

"You'll be 25 weeks so you should be fine but I will email you a medical approval note for going and coming back. Though I would suggest that you don't go alone," She hands Amelia the photos.

"That's fine I have I feeling that will be my parent's condition. I think they've forgotten about the premiere and I'm certain they're not going to like it," If they don't like her carrying heavy bags at this stage they definitely won't like her flying.

Megan chuckles, "It's normal for those around you to worry and with it being your first baby it can feel a little overwhelming for you but many women fly at this stage in their pregnancy, you're safe until the 29-week mark. I see no problems but do take someone with you just in case. You have another scan in the week after you come back anyway so we can check on the baby then."

"Thank you, Megan, I'll see you on the 3rd of June," Amelia got back to the car and sat looking at the scan photo for a moment smiling.

"I knew you were a boy," She rubs a hand over her bump tears pricking the corners of her eyes, she feels a light but definite kick to her palm, "You are going to be a spoilt little boy, I fear when I tell your Nanny that you're a boy she's going on a shopping spree but it's because she loves you. You'll be spoilt but very loved."

Arriving home she can't wait to tell them, she finds both of them in the living room along with Roger, "Oh good, you're here too I can give you the news together."

"News?" Roger smiles over his shoulder.

"Oh yes, how did the scan go?" Anita sits up looking over the back on the sofa, "I'm sorry I couldn't come with you, love."

"It's fine but I found out what I'm having," She sits in the spare armchair and Prince immediately jumps onto her lap, curling up against her bump purring.

"Well don't keep us in suspense," Brian prods just as eager to know as his wife.

"I'm having a boy," She grins handing Anita the scan photo.

Roger sighs handing a tenner over to a smug-looking Brian and Amelia scoffs, "I should have known you two would bet on it."

Roger chuckles changing the subject, "So any names yet?"

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