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Roger loves that Amelia and Rory are so close but put the pair together and you want to watch your surroundings because they can be very mischievous.

Rory insisted that she come with Roger to pick Amelia up from Madame Edith's, the two have to go inside to wait for her as they arrive a bit early and catch a glimpse of Amelia in action.

Now Roger has heard Amelia sing before, on stage in Les Miserable and it was good but in the years since then, no one had heard a peep from her. She didn't go for a role in last years show but hearing her voice now makes him smile.

"Wow, she's really good," Rory whispers staring at her cousin in awe through the door window.

She's more than good, she's inherited her dad's voice. Her voice has a better range, good pitch and is very steady. She oozes a type of confidence he hasn't seen from anyone since Freddie, it's just a shame she shies away when one of the family is watching her.

He hopes she does get into that performing arts school, it would be such a brilliant opportunity for her. He'd done a bit of research on the school and found that it's one of the best in London, with lots of it students finding jobs soon after some in the backstage department, makeup, costume, sound and lighting etc... and others finding roles on stage or screen.

"She takes after Uncle Freddie," He tells her with a sad smile. Moving back from the door when Amelia stops Roger sits on the chair with Rory on his lap, "What about you, darling? Do you want to do something like that?" Roger realised he's never asked her that before.

"No, I want to help people," She absent-mindedly plays with the rings on Roger's fingers.

"Help people?"

"Yeah," She looks up innocent brown eyes staring at him, "like a doctor or nurse. Do you think I could?"

"You can do anything you want to but you have to be prepared to put the work in," He knew she would, unlike him at that age she always does her homework without being asked and works hard in her lessons.

Once Amelia finishes her class and says goodbye to Jessica, he herds the two girls back into the car. They chat excitedly the entire way home until their about ten minutes away and they start whispering to each other.

Roger had been too busy listening to the radio to know what they were talking about but now that they are whispering he knows to be concerned, "What are you two planning?"

"Nothing," The two chorus at the same time, grinning at each other. That look doubles his concern.


Before dinner, the two played nicely together drawing and colouring or so he thought, Roger doesn't notice Amelia hiding the glitter in her pocket.

Miko has made himself comfy in his old owner's lap, she doesn't get to see many of the other cats but she sees Miko frequently and Goliath on the odd occasion when she goes to see Kash.

And when Roger steps out of the room being shouted by Felix, little Rufus is out with Debbie, Rory runs into the kitchen grabbing the green food colouring from the cupboard, hiding it in her pocket.

Once Debbie and Rufus returned the six sat down for dinner. After the girls have finished they ask to be excused.

They race upstairs giggling to each other. Rory sneaks into Roger's en-suite bathroom and grabs the shampoo off the shelf, racing back to her room.

"We're going to be so grounded for this, Milly?" the blonde whispers but shuts up when Amelia tells her there are sweets hidden in her overnight bag.

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