Change in the Atmosphere

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*Warning the next few chapters are going to be dark but please stick with it*

Working with Elton was one of the best things she's ever done, getting to be the other voice on the rerecord Crocodile Rock is an honour.

She found out that James McAvoy who is played Gnomeo, is also in the new X-Men film and the cast was a dream to work with.

Recording finished in April when she also turned 25, or as Roger likes to remind her, she's now a quarter of a century old.

She spent some much needed time with her family, she feels like she's hardly seen them over the past few months. She also contacted Brianna about a dress for the Narnia premiere.

But it's now the middle of August and filming is well on the way for X-Men: First Class. Amelia has just got home from Oxford, it's only an hour and a half drive and its not every day so she doesn't mind driving.

Opening the door to the flat she expected to find it quiet except for Prince because Michael should be at work, so she's very surprised to find him sitting on the couch watching some TV and drinking a beer, "Hey love. Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Yes I should," He answers though not moving his eyes from the screen.

"Then why are you here?" Sighing when she doesn't get an answer, she turns the TV off and takes the beer out of his hand sitting on his lap, "What's happened?" She wondered why his car was still in its space.

He pulls her against him breathing in the calming scent of her hair trying to calm the anger inside of him, "They let me go, Milly. I don't have a job."

"What? Why? They can't do that," He was telling her the other day just how well he's been getting on there.

"The theatre is changing hands and the new owners have let a few people go, me included," He's been given the rest of the month's pay but that's it.

"What you going to do now? You going to look for another job or..."

Anger suddenly boiling over, he snaps, "I DON'T KNOW MILLY! STOP ASKING ME STUPID QUESTIONS!"

His anger startles her and she stands from his lap feeling hurt, "I'm going to bed. Cooldown before you join me or sleep in the spare room," She quickly tops Prince's bowl up and retreats to their bedroom.

She was half asleep facing the window when she felt Michael climb in next to her and pulls her close, "I'm sorry," He whispers.

Turning on her back she runs a hand over his cheek and through his hair, "You don't need to get angry with me. And you don't need to panic about finding another job quickly, we have more than enough and you get one more paycheck at the end of the month. You don't need to worry, take your time to find a new job and a good one."

"I'm sorry," He repeats kissing her lips before settling down for the night.


It's been two weeks and Michael still hasn't found a new job he got his last paycheck through yesterday and it was a good one but one paycheck can only last so long.

He does, however, has another job interview this morning and Amelia is off today she's helping him get ready, "How do I look?" He asks coming out of the bathroom in smart trousers, shirt and blazer.

Amelia who was sat in bed crawls to the end of the bed and looks him up and down, "Very handsome and smart but do these two buttons up, you're going for a job interview and not a date."

Doing as she says he does them up but leaving the very top button open, "Tie or no tie?"

"If you were going for an interview at an office you might need one but its backstage theatre so no tie. What's in the bag?" She points to the rucksack next to the door.

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