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April 2006

A few things have happened over the past two years, the remaining members of Queen are back on tour with Paul Rodgers. Brian and Roger asked John but he firmly declined, he couldn't perform without Freddie, he was happy for them to go on without him remembering what Freddie had written in his letter.

Brian has been made a CBE by the Queen and a grandpa too, courtesy of Louisa who got married over a year ago.

Amelia is still performing as Eponine and loving it, when she started she never could have imagined she would be playing her for two years.

It's her 21st birthday tomorrow and like always she is going home for it but before she can leave the theatre David, her boss asked to speak with her in his office once she's taken her costume off.

Once she is changed she heads towards the office wondering what she could have done wrong, she can't of another reason to be called in the office and she can't help but worry if this is it, are they replacing her?

Knocking she waits for the come in, David is a kind man not stuck up like would expect him to be, he's a firm but understanding boss, "Ah Milly," He opens the door, "Come in and take a seat."

She did as he asked and sat in the chair opposite his, "Any idea why you're here?" He asked.

"I'm not fired am I?"

"Oh no quite the opposite," He chuckles, "We want you to continue with your role as Eponine but not here."

"What do you mean not here? Do you mean like a tour production rather than a sit-in?"

"No, I'm talking about Broadway. Les Miserables is reopening its doors on the 9th of November and they are offering you the role of Eponine. Should you expect their offer you will cease performing here on the 25th of June and start rehearsals in New York on the 5th of October. That gives you time to find a place to live, get your visa etc... Would you be interested? You can take some time to think about it."

"I've never thought about performing on Broadway. When do you need an answer?" It's such an incredible opportunity but moving to America is a big step. She has her dads apartment there so she doesn't need to worry about finding somewhere to live.

"Tomorrow at the least. It's just your answer they are waiting for before they make the official press release. Hundreds of tickets have already been brought, so much so that the original end date which was late next February has been taken away and the production is currently open-ended."

Thinking about it for a moment her brain kicks in shouting at her, how can she turn down an offer like this, "You know what? I accept the offer, it's an amazing opportunity and I think I'd regret turning it down."

David smiles, "Then I shall give Julian your answer and he will contact you in due course. Oh, I should tell you that you won't be alone in the move, Lily is going as well taking the role of Fontaine rather then Cosette."

It's relieving to know she won't be alone, "At least I'll know someone. Was that everything?" Amelia stands from her chair.


"Thank you for this opportunity Mr Lewis, it means a lot," She's actually going to America.

"You're the one with the talent Milly, you were born to play Eponine and I'm glad people are starting to notice your work."

Amelia stops via the flat to grab her stuff and Prince, she's not going to leave him alone for two days and heads home.


Sadly Brian and Roger are in America so they can't be there for Amelia's birthday but she spends it with Anita and Rory has come back from Uni for Easter so she's joined them.

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