Live Aid

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Hey guys,

Had to take down and reupload this chapter, I hate to do this because it means losing all your comments and the votes when I love them and are amazing, but I was having a problem viewing half the comments on only this chapter, so fingers crossed by re-uploading it everything should work. 

If people want to comment again or revote I would appreciate it but please don't feel that you have too.

By the time live aid arrives Amelia is fully settled in and a happy little three months old. She's been in Freddie's care over a month and he wouldn't change it for the world. Most mornings he wakes to the sound of Amelia crying through the baby monitor but this morning he can hear her cooing to herself.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he enters the nursery lifting her out the crib kissing her chubby cheek, "good morning my angel. Today is a big day, your first concert. Isn't that exciting?" Her reply is a small 'ooh' then sucks her fingers to tell him she's hungry.

After feeding her Freddie finds the babygrow, he had made for today, out of the wardrobe. It's white with the Live Aid logo on the front.

Still needing to get ready himself he props her up against his pillow on his bed surrounded by other pillows to prevent her from falling off. Being the dutiful guard cat he is, Romeo jumps onto the bed curling up in the circle of pillows with her.

Satisfied that she is happy and safe, Freddie starts his morning routine hopping into the shower.

Dressed in his bathrobe after his shower, he warms up his vocals. As he does Amelia tries to copy him, when he stops she continues. He beams turning from his mirror to his daughter, "You think you can do better?"

She squeals at him, "My youngest critic," he chuckles and she grins for the first time, "Is that a smile I see? My clever girl." He blows a raspberry kiss onto her cheek making her giggle.


After picking up Jim and stopping at his parents they arrive at Wembley. With Amelia in his arms Freddie is not surprised at the flurry of cameras taking pictures and the stares he received from other artists.

He hadn't announced to the press about Amelia because he doesn't want them swarming the house. He much prefers to do it this way then if people ask questions he can answer them there and then.

Carrying her on his hip to the Queen trailer Amelia's eyes move a mile a minute to observe her surroundings, "So the rumours are true."

Freddie turns to the voice finding the owner to be none other than David Bowie, "David, good to see you again." The two singers shake hands, "What rumour are you on about?"

"That you have a daughter," David laughs as if it was obvious.

"Oh that rumour, yes well to surprise people," Freddie chuckles readjusting Amelia on his hip, "This is my daughter, Amelia."

Bending to eye level with the girl Bowie smiles, "It's nice to meet you, Amelia." She smiles shyly back at him then hides her face.

Chuckling he stands straight again, "one heck of a concert for her first, give it a few years and I bet she'll be rocking on stage with you. Good luck," he smiles again walking away.

"What a thought," Freddie muses over his shoulder to Jim, "I don't think the world could handle two Mercury's at the same time.

Finally reaching the trailer Roger and John are there already while Brian is there yet.

Since Brian isn't around Roger eagerly takes Amelia in his arms grinning, "there she is, you've got bigger Milly." She babbles baby talk to him.

"She finally smiled this morning," Freddie informs them getting up to leave the trailer again, unlit cig hanging from his lips, "I'll be back in a moment, you mind watching her for me?"

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