Histories Biggest Send-Off

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Happy Boxing day hope you got everything you wished for. I'm so happy I got the book Mercury and Me written by Jim Hutton so excited to read it and I got the Queen + Adam Lambert Live Around the World CD/DVD!!!

The 4th of April is Amelia seventh birthday and as Freddie said in the Christmas day letter, there was a birthday card in the box with £20 inside.

Her best surprise arrived around lunchtime though, Brian had told her he was going to get her birthday present and would be back soon. To keep her occupied Anita put on her current favourite film, Beauty and the Beast, and they curl up on the sofa together.

As soon as she hears the car door close outside she shot off the seat straight to the window on the stairs, "It's Jim!" She squeals running back down the stairs, despite Anita's plead not to run on the stairs.

She races for the door flinging it open before Brian has even locked the car. Jim drops his bag catching her mid-run and lifts her into a tight hug, "Blimey, you've grown Milly."

"I've missed you," She mutters into his neck.

"I've missed you too," Jim smiles stepping to the side to let Brian pass with his bags and follows the guitar inside, "Happy birthday darling," He kisses her cheek. Amelia tells him about everything he has missed.


Two weeks later on the 20th of April, the Freddie Mercury tribute concert is held at Wembley stadium. Brian, Roger, John arranged it with the help of Miami. The concert is a send-off to Freddie but with lots of big names performing it will also raise money for the new Phoenix Trust charity that has been set up in Freddie's name to help find a cure for aids.

Arriving at Wembley Amelia wows at the number of people here, performers and audience members alike. Jim is with them too but it going back home tomorrow and while Amelia chooses to watch from the side of the stage, he chooses to watch from the audience point of view with to rest of the Queen family.

Brian, Roger and John head onto the stage and Brian steps up to the mic, "Good evening Wembley and the world. We are here tonight to celebrate the life and work and dreams of one Freddie Mercury." The crowd cheers, "We're going to give him the biggest send off in history." Roger and John say a few words before Metallica rush out on stage.

They were followed by Extreme, Def Leppard, Bob Geldof, Spinal Tap, U2, Mango Groove and Guns N' Roses. Just before Queen goes on Brian glances over to where Amelia is sat on one of the black equipment boxes, "You sure you don't want to go a sit with Anita and Jim?"

Amelia shakes her head happy where she is, "You'll be back here alone," it's not that Brian doesn't trust the crew but anything could happen with her left on her own.

"I don't mind sitting with her if you're worried about her being back here alone?"

"Hello Mr Bowie," Amelia greets him a small wave and a smile.

"Hello, lovie," Bowie chuckles hopping up onto the box beside her, "What have is told you, call me David, we're friends ain't we?"

"You sure you don't mind?" Brian double checks.

"Of course I don't mind besides, we have some catching up to do," Bowie nudges her arm with his.

Happy that Amelia is safe Queen finally takes to the stage. They perform song after song with various artists showing just how unique Freddie's voice was.

They sit quietly for a while just watching the stage, occasionally asking each other questions and when it's Bowie's turn on stage Amelia was left alone for only a moment before she was joined by Elton John, "Hello my dear, can I join you?"

Amelia nods and he takes Bowie's spot next to her, "I'm so sorry about your dad, you must miss him terribly?"

Amelia nods sadly, "All the time." She leans into his side when he wraps an arm around her shoulder.

They watch for a moment before Elton speaks up again, "How's the theatre group going?"

"It's on hold at the moment," she sighs, she still hasn't plucked up the courage to go back.

He frowns leaning back to look at her, "And why is that? Your so good at it."

She bows her head hiding her tears, "Every time I think about going back my mind jumps to dad. I don't think I could have performed so well if dad hadn't been in the audience. But now when I think forward and think about performing I can't do it because he won't be there to see it."

"Ah but he will," She frowns at his strange sentence, "You may not be able to feel it but your dad is watching over you and he will watch every performance, he's was your number 1 fan and now he's your infinite fan."

"You think so?"

"I know so," He smiles wiping her tears away then hops down from the box as Bowie comes back.

For the last song of the night, Lisa Minelli took to the stage singing the first half of We Are the Champions by herself before all the artists join them on stage.

With a bit of encouragement from Bowie and Elton, Amelia joins them too, singing the lyrics with pride. The roar of the crowd matched with the drums and guitar rifts gave her chills.

Roger jumps down from the drum rise joining Brian and John at the front of the stage, lifting Amelia onto his hip. Queen takes a well-deserved bow as God Save the Queen plays into the stadium. "Goodnight Freddie, we love you," he shouts into the mic before they head off stage.

Just as they got to the wings Joe Elliot, who stood next to Brian pulls them to a stop telling them to look back at the audience, "Look at that, look back at that audience because you will never ever see this again. If this is the end, what a way to go."

The three members look back at the audience and tears form in their eyes, seeing the sheer amount of love the Queen fans have for Freddie Mercury is incredible. Brian, John and Roger stood together Amelia hugging Roger's neck as the four of them crying at the truly amazing sight.


By the time they got home Amelia was fast asleep, Brian didn't have the heart to wake her so he carries her up to her room.

He sits on the bed removing her shoes, socks and everything else, grabbing her pyjama's he tries to manoeuvre her into them without waking her but fails. She stirs, "dad?"

Brian stills after getting the pyjama top over her head, staring at the sleepy girl in his arms waiting to see if she realises her mistake. His heart aches for her when the realisation hits and her face drops.

She drops her head onto his shoulder a damp patch forming on his shirt. Once he's got her pyjama bottoms on her just holds her letting her cry.

Feeling tired himself he kicks his shoes off and removes his jacket before lying back on her bed with her curled into him. Anita found them both fast asleep not ten minutes later when she came up to bed herself.

Next update will be Monday

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