Christmas Eve

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Happy Birthday to Adam Lambert!!!

The three nights at St David's Hall were insane for Amelia, with all 2000 seats full it was the biggest audience she ever performed in front of.

That with at the beginning of December, it's now the 23rd and she is in Cardiff city centre with Gwilym getting her last few Christmas presents, like most people it would seem.

Originally the two planned to have dinner at a restaurant in the city but with it being so busy they decided to go back to Amelia's flat and order a Chinese takeaway.

The feeling in the flat is bittersweet, they both knew that Amelia was only here until the new year then she will go back to London. Gwilym is staying in Wales for another year and a half to finishes his Uni course.

Gwilym is going home tomorrow for Christmas so tonight is their last night together until New Year's Eve. They'd just finished eating and were watching a Christmas movie when he gets up to get a red and gold wrapped present from his bag, "Since I'm going home tomorrow I figured now would be a good time to give you your Christmas present."

"Oh hold on let me get yours," Amelia lifts Romeo from her lap and races to the bedroom. She looks over the various gift bags and packed boxes for his gift.

When Amelia goes home on Christmas Eve she will be moving out of the flat, she'll come back for her the performance on New Year's Eve but will stay in a hotel.

Finding Gwilym's gift she leaves her bedroom and joins him on the sofa, she forces him to open his first. Gwilym gasps it's a Moncler black shell down bomber jacket, he'd tried it on while they were out at the beginning of December and he suited him to a T but he put it back because it was too expensive, "Milly thank you but this is too much."

"No, it's not," The first paycheck she revised had been mind-blowing to her teenage brain and the moment he tried it on in the shop she knew he had to have it.

"Yes it is, these jackets cost £300 at least."

"I repeat, no it's not too much. When I moved here from London I didn't know anyone, I was lost after being here for only three hours and you were kind enough to help me. But more than that you stopped me from being alone for five months," She can't imagine what this experience might have been like if she hadn't bumped into him, "That jacket is my gratitude to you the cost is irrelevant, it suits you too."

"Well I'll treasure it," He passes Amelia her gift, "Sorry it's not as good as the jacket but..."

He must have his wires crossed because the gift was just as good as the jacket if not better, it's a set of earrings and bracelet to go with the locket that Jim brought her as a child. It's a necklace she wears for every occasion but never found a bracelet or earrings to match.

"It's not quite a perfect match but they're close," They hadn't cost anywhere near as much as what she brought him.

"They're perfect thank you," She smiles at him sadly.

"What's the matter?" He tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

"You go home tomorrow."

Gwilym knows where this is going, it's why they've spent so much time together over the last week, "I'll be back on the 30th and we'll spend New Year's Eve together."

"And then what?" She doesn't want this to end they've only known each other five months but Amelia knows she loves him. Sadly it just won't work, him in Wales, her in London.

Like Amelia, he doesn't want this to end though he's never told her, he does love her. She's beautiful, funny, caring and is never anything but herself around him, which is what he likes most about her, "I don't know, I want this to work but..."

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