Hello and Goodbye

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November 2016

The first week of September was busy, a blue plaque was put on the front of Freddie Mercury's first London home in his memory, little Freddie turned five and he started reception year the day after.

He was much happier going to school this time around and Amelia is relieved that he's found a good friend in Milo.

Casting for the Queen film, now named Bohemian Rhapsody, has also begun. Brian and Roger found the actor to play Freddie and Amelia is meeting him in November when he comes across to meet Brian and Roger and start his training.

Amelia doesn't envy him having the learn to play the piano, choreography and her dad's mannerisms. Her dad was spontaneous in his stage routines and always full of energy.

Wanting to show the actor the Lodge and the Queen room, Amelia has invited him to her home.

The day he's due to come over Amelia drops Freddie off at school then hurried home spending the morning making sure the place doesn't look like a complete mess.

As she was cleaning up she realises she doesn't know the name of the actor she's meeting. Grabbing her phone she calls Brian, "Hey Brian."

"Hello Milly, I thought you were meeting Rami today?"

She puts the phone on loudspeaker on the coffee table and picks up Freddie's toy, sticking them in the toy box, "I am meeting him, he should be here any minute but you didn't tell me his name or you did and I missed it. So he what his name?"

"I did tell you. His name is Rami Malek. Don't scare him off."

"Me?! Roger is the scariest person to meet and he met Uncle Rog yesterday so he'll be fine with me."

"I won't tell him you said that," Brian chuckles.

The gates buzzer goes off, "Oh he's here. Got to go, talk later," She hangs up pressing the button to let him in before quickly running into the back room, "Bella, can I ask you to pick up Freddie from school at 3 please?"

"Of course," The woman smiles then goes back to icing her cake. To help Bella with her cake business, Amelia agreed that Bella could us the Lodge kitchen and backroom so Freddie or the cats can't get at the cakes.

"Thank you," Leaving Bella to it she goes to the door when he knocks.

Checking herself in the mirror she opens the door, "Rami Malek?" She asks looking him up and down.

"Yeah. That's me," He smiles and Amelia sees it, she sees her dad's eyes staring back at her even if his eyes aren't brown and the cheeky smile.

"Amelia Mercury but call me Milly. Please come in," She stands aside letting him in.

"Thank you. It's an honour to meet you, do you want me to remove my shoes?" Stepping inside he looks around the entrance hall feeling the need to.

Closing the door Amelia smiles, "No don't worry about that. I have a five-year-old, he traipses paint, mud and god knows what else through the house."

"Come through," She leads him through to the kitchen, "Tea? Coffee?"

"Coffee please," Rami looks around in awe eyes landing on a photo of Amelia and a little boy, "Is that your son?"

"Yes that's Freddie," She smiles pouring some water into the mugs, "Named him after my dad of course."

"Another Freddie Mercury," Rami chuckles accepting the mug adding milk and sugar, "Thank you. Is he out with your husband?"

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