Sheer Heart Attack

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Guys, I've just noticed Little Mercury has reached 50K+ reads. That is insane, thank you so much.

Late May 2020

It's been nearly three weeks since Amelia last spoke to her parents, which isn't unusual at the moment but it's not just calls or facetime, it's texts as well. She's heard nothing from them.

Lockdown is starting to get to all of them, Amelia misses seeing her friends and family being able to hug them. Freddie misses his friends, school and theatre group. Taylor's not too affected though she misses her Grandpa and Gwilym hates not being able to work, to just go out and take the children places especially now summer is almost here.

They've been lucky though none of them has caught the virus so it's worked but like most people in England, they've had enough of lockdown.

"Milly, have you seen this?" Gwilym calls walking out of the kitchen to the living room looking worried. Amelia is sat on the floor helping Taylor with a jigsaw puzzle.

She took his phone reading the news caption, Brian May suffers a heart attack after a leg injury. Amelia heart drops, "What?!"

Leaving Taylor to play with the jigsaw she grabs her own phone, "When-when was that posted?" She stumbles over her words.

"Um..." Gwilym takes his phone back to have a look, "This morning."

"Watch Taylor I'm going upstairs to ring mum," She doesn't wait for an answer and disappears upstairs.

Shutting herself in her room she calls Anita. No answer. Worry starts to pick up in her chest, tears blurring her vision, she tries Brian. No answer.

Trying her mum again, still no answer, worry turns to panic so she rings Roger, "Pick up you bas..."

"Hello, Milly?"

"Roger, have you heard from mum or Brian?"

"Um... no why? What wrong, are you crying?"

"Have you seen the news story about Brian?"

"What the leg injury? Yes, I've seen it."

"No! I know about the leg injury. I mean the heart attack one?!" The line goes quiet and she thought he'd hung up, "Are you still there?"

"Milly, it was a small heart attack that happened last week. Are you telling me that no one rang you to tell you?"

"What?! No! No one told me, last week? Is he alright? I can't get hold of either of them, please tell me he's okay?" It hurts that everyone else seems to know but her. She can't stand the thought of losing another dad.

"Yes, he's okay. He's out of the hospital and back at home, I think he had three stents fitted. Christ, I can't believe they didn't ring you." He paused for a moment, "Keep ringing them, I'll message Brian and Anita. Just keep trying, I'm sorry you found out like this."

Her eyes sting with tears a million thoughts in her head, "Why would they keep this from me?"

Roger sighs truly amazed that no one told her, "I'm not sure Mills. I should have rung to make sure you knew but I assumed they would have told you."

Hanging up she tries her parents Brian's phone and just lets it ring until eventually, Anita picks up, "Hello?"

"Mum." She snaps anger seeping from her lips and hot tears stream down her face, "What the hell is going on? You're not answering my calls, neither is Brian. I've just seen a news story that Brian had a heart attack, I ring Roger because I can't get hold of either of you and find out that he knows and it happened last week. So my question is why the hell did I find out via social media instead of my own parents?"

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