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Once Brian and Roger got home they helped Amelia sort everything, so her flat doesn't go to waste, Brian and Anita will rent it from her. The two are often in London for work now and like Amelia, they don't always want to travel back to the house after a long day so they will rent it. As for her car, Anita is going to borrow that too, paying Amelia back of course.

Prince is going with her, she sorted out the paperwork and with not knowing how long she will be gone, she doesn't want to be living alone. She worried about him flying in the luggage hold alone but apparently, it's better for them then in the passenger area.

Her visa arrived in August, she brought everything she needs and sorted the apartment in New York to be ready for when she arrives.

Since rehearsals start on the 5th of October she will arrive in New York ten days before giving her time to settle in and her jet lag to wear off.

The afternoon of her flight she felt emotional Brian and Anita gave her a lift and walk with her to her gate. Anita wraps her in a tight hug, "You got everything?" Amelia returns the hug.

Her luggage and Prince have already been taken to the plane so she only has her cabin bag with her, "I think so, all the important stuff anyway. Anything I've forgotten I'll just get you to mail it across," Amelia lets her mum go because if she doesn't she'll never get on the plane.

"You message us the moment you get to New York, no matter what time it is just let us know you're safe," Brian takes his wife's place holding Amelia close, he never expected Amelia to move to America.

Yes he's used to being away from them for tours but he always knew when he was coming home, they don't know that with Amelia. She won't be coming home for Christmas because of the shows around that time so she really can't say when she'll be home again.

"I will. You'll come and visit?" She mutters into his shirt.

"You try and stop us," He pulls back squeezing her shoulder, "We can Skype as often as you like and we'll be there opening night too." The tannoy calls for her flight and she picks her bag up off the floor giving them both another quick hug then boards the plane.

Amelia takes her seat in first class next to the window and leans her head against it, tears falling down her cheeks. She couldn't cry in front of her mum, it would've upset her and she doesn't want that.

As the plane takes off she silently grips the arms of the chair, god she hates flying.


Arriving in America Amelia sends a quick message to tell Brian and Anita she's arrived safely then heads to baggage claims. Because of the time difference, it's 6:45pm when she gets to the apartment block.

Walking up to the building she tries to remain as composed as possible, the place is grand, to say the least, and it has a doorman!

He opens the door for her greeting her with a warm smile, "Good evening Miss, is there anything I can help you with."

"Thank you. Yes, my name is Amelia Mercury and I rang ahead during the week..."

The older man interrupts her, "Ah yes, I know exactly what you're looking for. A pleasure to meet you, Miss Mercury I'm Charlie, one of the building's doorman, there are four of us altogether and you'll get to know them in your own time," He leads her to the buildings front desk, "I knew your father when he stayed here, lovely man, I was sad to hear of his passing my condolences to you. I'll leave you in the capable hands of Miss Ray." He taps his hat and returns to his post.

The woman behind the desk stands, smiling, "Please call me Sam. We spoke on the phone, lovely to meet you at last. Please follow me and I'll explain everything on the way up," Sam grabs something from behind the desk and takes one of Amelia's bags.

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