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Just quick note I will be following the Queen timeline once again.

Also happy Halloween 🎃

1st June 1985

Freddie Mercury is home alone, except for the cats of course but human wise he is home alone. Joe, Terry and Phoebe have gone home for the day.

He sat in bed scribbling in his notebook, listening to the howling wind and pouring rain, Delilah keeping him company when the gates buzzer goes off. The clock on his bedside table reads 9:56 pm. Frowning he leaves the warmth of his bed and heads downstairs.

Pressing the button to talk to whoever is at the gate he gets no reply but he can hear movement through the gates mic. Still getting no reply but hearing the noise he grabs a coat and goes out to the gate himself, silently praying that someone isn't going to murder him.

Looking through the peep-hole in the gate he sees no one. Sighing he turns to the house muttering under his breath about stupid kids until he hears a whimpering, a child-like whimpering.

Stopping in his tracks he turns back to the gate and swings it opens. At eye level, there is no one there but looking down his eyes find a sports bag in the middle of the path.

Leaning further out the gate he searches for anyone that might be lingering but sees no one. Freddie hears the whimpering again and crouches down to the bag he unzips it, his heart racing.

Inside the bag is a baby in a dirty yellow baby grow surrounded by towels, "Who on earth would leave you here?" he mutters to himself. Searching the bag for anything else he finds an envelope but nothing more.

Venturing out into the street this time he searches again but still finds no one. The baby's whimpering increases, with nothing else he can do Freddie gently, picked up the bag and carries it inside.

Placing the bag on the nearest table the whimpers turn to crying, lifting the baby out of the bag Freddie checks the child over, he realises it is a girl but she is so cold and wet from the rain. Quickly finding a blanket he wraps the child in it trying to warm her up.

It seems to work a little as her cries turn back to whimpering. Moving his focus from the child he picks up the envelope flipping it over he is surprised to find his name written on the front.

Not just Freddie but Freddie Mercury so he couldn't say they've got the wrong Freddie.

Opening the envelope he pulls out a letter and a birth certificate, leaving the birth certificate to one side he reads the letter:

Dear Freddie,

If you remember me I will be very surprised but my name is Sarah Baker and 11 months ago I met you at a bar in Germany while I was on holiday.

I am a Queen fan and meeting you in the bar was like a dream come true. You were kind enough to buy me a drink and for a while, we actually had a decent conversation. At the time however you had already had too much to drink.

By the time we came to leave you weren't wasted but you needed help getting home. As you can imagine being a Queen fan helping Freddie Mercury get home is something most girls could only dream of doing.

We continued our conversation in the taxi but one thing led to another and I woke up in your bed the next morning. I left before you woke because I didn't want to embarrass you.

Please believe that everything I have just told you is true. And the information I am about to give you is too.

A month after that night I found out I was pregnant. I wasn't the best news of my life but I was determined to make it work and love this baby.

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