We Will Rock You

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The next two months are busy for Amelia and Queen. Queen has received a Hollywood star on the walk of fame, We Will Rock You will premiere on the 14th of May and in June, Brian will be performing on the top of Buckingham Palace for the golden jubilee but that is none of Amelia's concern right now.

It's the end of the Easter holidays, Sunday morning before she leaves to go back to school in a few hours and from tomorrow Amelia starts her exams.

She went upstairs to collect her bags and checks her desk seeing the letter list. Running her eyes down the list she sees two letters, one to be opened now the other she will take with her for when she finishes high school.

Slipping the finishing high school one in her bag, she sits on her bed to open the exam letter:

Hello my angel,

This is a shorter one and a last-minute thought but I felt the need to write it. If your reading this then your exams must be starting soon. Work hard and revise as much as you can but don't stress. If you just do your best that is all anyone can ask for.

If your reading this then it also means you're stuck at school despite life's challenges and I am immensely proud of you.

After you finish each exam don't look back just move forward because you can't change it so there's no point stressing.

With your school day coming to an end you'll hopefully find that you may start to receive offers for job opportunities and the like... I know your dream role is Eponine but remember you can't always reach the mark in one stride.

If the role suits you or you like the sound of it take the offer but keep your eye out for a way of getting to your dream. The more musicals you perform in the more you will get noticed.

Good luck and make me even more proud than I already am.

Lots of love,

Dad xx

P.S. Your prom will be coming up soon and no doubt you will need a dress. Please use some of the money I have left you, I would have loved to take you dress shopping and I bet you'll outshine the rest xx

Taking the letter and her bag downstairs she shows Brian the letter. Brianna is making Amelia's prom dress as part of her exam and Brian has already paid for it.

"I'll transfer half back into my account, I wanted to pay for your dress to so I'll pay half and your dad will pay for the other half," Brian had wanted to pay for the dress because he couldn't be more proud of her.

After losing her dad, he feared she might not concentrate on her lessons and give up on her education but she's stuck at it and is set to make high grades in all her exams.

"I don't think he'd mind that," She's not going to argue with him on this one.

"Feeling better about your exams now?" At the beginning of the Easter holidays, she had a meltdown, crying for about an hour on Brian's shoulder worrying and muttering about everything she needed to get done.

"Yeah I'm ready for them, nervous for the performance exams but ready," After the meltdown, he sat with her and they worked out a plan.

Each day since they've gone through each subject, she's shown him her practical exam pieces and he's gone through revision questions with her. She feels far calmer now than she did two weeks ago.

"And what about your driving test?" Amelia started her driving lessons with Roger after Christmas and had one lesson every weekend she came home, she has her test booked for two days after she finished ArtsEd.

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