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Guys, I just had my first driving lesson since before Christmas and it went so well, I'm buzzing. Life is looking good at the moment.

Social media loved Amelia and Gwilym's engagement announcement as did the rest of their family, they've started looking for a venue near Roger's for the ceremony but, right now, that is the least of their concerns.

It's the 1st of December and they're meant to be filming the band reunion in Miami's office scene. However, director Bryan Singer hasn't turned up to set.

After an hour of waiting Amelia huffs, "Right, I've had enough. I'm ringing Brian." All the cast are already in hair and make-up if needs be she'll film it herself, she has some experience and so does Joe.

Brian doesn't answer so she tries Roger, his sleep-filled voice answers, "It's eight-thirty in the fucking morning, there better be a..."

"Singer hasn't turned up to set. I've tried ringing Brian but he didn't answer."

"Shit! Hold on," She can hear him moving about and a knock on a door, probably Brian's.

He relays the message to Brian who takes the phone, "Milly. How late is he?"

"An hour. I'd tell everyone to go home but everyone is already in hair and make-up ready to go, I have some experience so what if I directed the scene. It's the band reunion scene and I can ask Joe if I'm not sure."

"We'll try and get hold of Singer, film the scene we can always go back a re-shoot if needed but if everyone is ready go for it, it might turn out alright. I'll call you back in a bit tell you where you go from there."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence but yeah okay, bye." She hung up and turns to the boys, "Let's get filming." She expected them to ask if she was joking but they didn't, they just went to set and start marking out the scene.

They marked it all out and filmed section by section but there was one section that didn't sit well with Amelia after the first take, "Cut."

Once the cameras stop she walks over to Rami with the script, "The scene works except for one bit in the script. Freddie tells Deaky that Prenter has been fired, Deaky asks on what pretext and you say..."

"Lies and deceit," Rami finishes on her wavelength, "You don't think it sounds right."

"No, it doesn't sound like dad, he would use a more dramatic word." She thinks the concept over, "Prenter is basically the villain so instead of lies and deceit, how about villainy?"

Rami repeats it a few times nodding, "Yeah, okay. What we've got to lose? Let's try it."

Resetting the section Amelia moves back behind the cameras, "Okay action."

Joe: "We have a problem with the people around you."

Rami: "Paul is out."

Joe: "On what pretext?"

Rami: "Villainy."

They finish the section and they cut, "That works better," Amelia smiles making a note of it on the script so she can tell Brian later. From there they finish the rest of the scene.

After the scene wrapped up, they all hung around set waiting for the call from Brian so they find out what's going on.

Amelia hadn't been paying attention until she heard snickering to her right. Ben and Joe are messing about like always and somehow, Ben has forced Joe into a romantic dip, Gwilym taking pictures of the goofy moment.

Grabbing an apple off the table behind her, Amelia runs over shoving it into Joe's mouth and stands back with Rami watching the struggle, dying with laughter. Ben leans in reaching for the apple with his mouth.

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