Audition: Part 1

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This is a two-parter because there was just too much to fit into one chapter. Please note that though the names RADA and ArtsEd come from real schools in London, the way classes and auditions work and the dorms I have completely made up. NOTE AT THE END, PLEASE READ.

Amelia feels sick. Brian and Anita have just dropped her off outside ArtsEd and she is waiting in the queue to sign in. She hasn't seen Jessica or Rosie yet but she feels like she's going to throw up.

She's never been so nervous about anything before since getting the offer letter for RADA it's made her want ArtsEd more. She going to do both auditions of course but if she is given the option of both then it will be ArtsEd, Jessica will do the same they want to stick together and hopefully, Rosie will be there too.

Inside the building, Amelia signs in and is given her schedule for the day before being directed to the assembly room where she finds Jessica and Rosie already sat together.

The assembly room is large but not a vast amount of other students, no more than one hundred if she had to guess. She plonks herself down beside the girls scaring them half to death.

"Blimey Milly, don't do that you'll make me throw up," Jessica tells her off.

"You feel sick too? What about you Rosie, are you nervous?"

Rosie nods playing with her long hair, a nervous habit she's had since she was a child, "Never been so nervous before, let's change the subject. Are Brian and Anita coming back later for the campus tour?"

Amelia nods, "Yes they are, what about you two?" Both girls nod as well. If your commute time is over an hour and a half they qualify for living on campus, all three girls live outside of London qualify which means, Amelia would be leaving home and it's the same for RADA.

Anita and Brian tour slot time are later in the afternoon in a group with Jessica and Rosie's parents and the girls will join them too.

"Students may I have your attention please," The voice shouts from the front of the hall.

The voice belongs to none other then Miss Davenport, "I am Miss Rachael Davenport, some of you may recognise me from offering you an audition here. I used to be a recruiter for the academy but I am now the director, or headmistress if you'd prefer. The first thing you will notice as you look around the room is that there aren't many students here, that is because we like to keep the class sizes at small so the teachers can focus on each student better."

"A typical day at this academy is different from that of a normal high school as you can imagine. There are six lessons a day, two academic lessons in the morning, academic lessons include maths, English, science, history, geography and French. Then the remaining four lessons are completely dedicated to the arts, those lessons including dance, drama, music, film/photography and the backstage arts. The backstage arts include hair and makeup, sound and lighting, stage scenery and costume design. Your school day starts at 9am and finishes at 4:30pm."

She holds up a sheet of paper showing an example of a schedule, "For those living on campus the days will be explained during your group tours with your parents, you will see that a time has been allotted for it on your schedules and your parents have been informed of those times. The schedule also shows you the times for your auditions and your lunch break, please arrive at each audition ten minutes beforehand and if you want to leave the grounds during the lunch break grab a pass from the reception and please go in a group or pairs. If you are successful with your auditions you will receive a letter and an induction pack in two weeks. There are 120 students in the room but only 100 of you will be accepted, so try your hardest and good luck."

After the assembly, the girls have their dance audition first and because they are performing together the three make their way to the dance studio. They're glad it's the first one of the day because then it's out of the way.

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